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  • Som flera kanske har märkt är sig inte sig likt rent utseendemässigt! En uppgradering av forumets mjukvara har genomförts och temat kommer successivt att uppdateras för att bättre matcha vår tidigare färgprofil! Eventuella buggar eller feedback tas tacksamt emot i den här forumtråden!

Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009


Då verkar dom första omdömena vara ute (Jancis Robinson och Wine Spectator) på Bordeaux 2009.
Parker har sagt att hans bedömningar kommer i slutet av April.
Har inte sett några priser ännu men läste på en fransk blogg att vissa negociants deklarerat att dom vill höja ca 30% jfrt med 2008.
Enligt andra rykten så är de asiatiska kunderna hett på redan nu och har bokat upp innan dom ens vet priserna.



SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Bubblaren skrev:
Kan ju drömma om att få testa något av det när jag är i Bordeaux i sommar ::)
Du är ju där i alla fall vilket ju är en bra början.. :)


SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

chambertin skrev:
Du är ju där i alla fall vilket ju är en bra början.. :)

Skönt att ligga på framkant :D

Behöver verkligen tips om vettiga besök att göra, vill inte hamna på sådana där turistiga visningar - hyvä!


SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Satsa på slott du tycker om.
Själva var vi på Pontet Canet och Pichon Comtesse de Lalande.
Vet inte vad du menar med turistiskt. På Pontet Canet var vi 6 personer, men visningen var standardiserad.
Intressant visning och "story". Fantastisk källare och hantering, mycket individuellt. Provsmakning av 9-åring (1998).
Pichon Lalande, vackert, automatiserad övervakning av jäsprocessen. Stor glas och korkskruvssamling. Provsmakning av 04 Pichon och Bernadotte (samma ägare).
Vi var 4 personer som visades runt, (dvs bara vårt sällskap).
Båda stora upplevelser, men olika framtoning.


SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

ruso skrev:
Satsa på slott du tycker om. Förboka!
Själva var vi på Pontet Canet och Pichon Comtesse de Lalande.
Vet inte vad du menar med turistiskt. På Pontet Canet var vi 6 personer, men visningen var standardiserad.
Intressant visning och "story". Fantastisk källare och hantering, mycket individuellt. Provsmakning av 9-åring (1998).
Pichon Lalande, vackert, automatiserad övervakning av jäsprocessen. Stor glas och korkskruvssamling. Provsmakning av 04 Pichon och Bernadotte (samma ägare). Vi var 4 personer som visades runt, (dvs bara vårt sällskap). Båda stora upplevelser, men olika framtoning.

Tack för tipsen, ska kolla in dem.

"turistiskt" för mig är som på Moët i Epernay, där man går fram till en kassa och betalar, går en gemensam guidetur med 10 andra och sedan får betala för att prova 1-3 fastställda champagner av ringa intresse.


SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Mer intressant läsning på Justerini & Brooks blogg om 2009 i Bordeuax.

Verkar som om man skall vara väldigt selektiv med St.Emilion.
Sauternes/Barsac verkar vara exceptionellt bra och en relativt stor skörd också så hopp om bra priser där.
Médoc/Péssac-Léognan ser jämnare ut än högra stranden och det verkar finnas gott om lovande viner även bland lägre Crû Classé och Crû Bourgeois-slotten.

Är det någon som har access till WS och Sucklings omdömen ?


SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

chambertin skrev:
Är det någon som har access till WS och Sucklings omdömen ?
Inte nu längre. Jag har för mig att han publicerade en del öppet någonstans men jag kommer inte ihåg var. Jag ska se om jag kan leta reda på det.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Försöker lösa suckling under dagen.

Har texten, pallar bara inte att klippa och klistra just nu...


SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Krug skrev:
Har texten, pallar bara inte att klippa och klistra just nu...

Förstår dig.
ctrl + c, ctrl + v är förbannat jobbigt att genomföra.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

CH skrev:
Förstår dig.
ctrl + c, ctrl + v är förbannat jobbigt att genomföra.

Mmmmm, efter att ha fått "texter överskrider 20 000 tecken" ett par gånger så orkade jag inte längre.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Suckling part I

Wine Spectator’s James Suckling visits Bordeaux each spring to taste the new vintage from barrel to determine the quality and character of the young wines, in order to inform wine lovers who may be considering buying them en primeur, or as futures.

While spending a few weeks in the region, Suckling visits numerous châteaus, interviews many vintners and evaluates hundreds of wines, some at the châteaus and most in blind tastings organized by Wine Spectator at independent locations. We will be updating these lists regularly with reviews from his latest tastings.

As these are unfinished wines, they are scored in four-point ranges (eg. 89-92 points) to indicate that the ratings are still preliminary. When the wines are released in bottle, they will be reviewed with their peers in blind tastings and given a final score.


MAUVAIS GARÇON Bordeaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Intense coffee bean, toasted bread and concentrated ripe fruit. Full-bodied, with soft and velvety tannins and a medium finish. A juicy wine in a flashy style. This is now called Mauvais Garçon, which means "bad boy" in French. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MALROME Bordeaux Cuvée Adèle de Toulouse-Lautrec 2009 Score: 88-91
A cool and racy wine, with mineral, floral and fruit aromas and flavors. Full-bodied, with dense tannins and a chewy finish. Lacks a little of a center palate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU COUR D'ARGENT Bordeaux 2009 Score: 87-90
A balanced and easy young wine, with cool, clean and minerally fruit character, firm tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

PRESIDIAL Bordeaux 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry, with some mineral and floral character. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a clean, fresh finish. Very good for a Bordeaux. —J.S.

DOMAINE VIRGINIE THUNEVIN Bordeaux 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry and mineral aromas, with a medium-to-full body, fine tannins and a fruity finish. Lots of licorice. —J.S.

DOMAINE DE CHEVAL BLANC Bordeaux 2009 Score: 86-89
Good concentration and pretty fruit for a Bordeaux. Curranty and yummy. 100 percent Merlot. A Cheval-Blanc that everyone can afford. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MALROME Bordeaux Toulouse Lautrec 2009 Score: 86-89
A simple and fruity red, with currant and berry on the nose and palate. Medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MARJOSSE Bordeaux 2009 Score: 86-89
Blackberry and fresh herbs on the nose follow through to a full body, with lots of juicy fruit and a plummy aftertaste. —J.S.

BALTHUS Bordeaux 2009 Score: 84-87
Berry and cherry character on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with a straightforward finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BONNET Bordeaux Réserve 2009 Score: 83-86
Good concentration, with berry and fresh herb character. A little too herbal for me. Wait and see. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SUBILAUX Bordeaux 2009 Score: 82-85
A medium-bodied red, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. A little light. —J.S.

Bordeaux Supérieur

DOMAINE DU BOUSCAT Bordeaux Supérieur Les Portes de l'Am 2009 Score: 92-95
This is impressive, with masses of fruit and huge body. Velvety and gorgeous. 50 percent Merlot, 25 percent Malbec and 25 percent Cabernet Franc. Same bottle as Pavie. Ha ha. Serious. This is the best Merlot and everything else from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BOLAIRE Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 90-93
This is fabulous, with loads of ripe and concentrated berry, spicy fruit. Full and very rich. Velvety tannins. 40 percent Merlot, 35 percent Petit Verdot and 25 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

DOMAINE DU BOUSCAT Bordeaux Supérieur Cuvée La Gargone 2009 Score: 90-93
Rich and powerful, with loads of ripe fruit that seems a little high in alcohol, but remains fresh and lively. Velvety tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CROIX-MOUTON Bordeaux Supérieur 20 Mille 2009 Score: 90-93
Blackberry and mineral, with hints of fresh herbs. Full-bodied, with a lovely concentration of fruit and silky tannins. Long and pretty. So juicy. 100 percent Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRAND VILLAGE Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 89-92
Plum, peach and berries on the nose, with just a hint of chocolate. Full-bodied, with soft and velvety tannins, plenty of good fruit and fresh acidity. More dense than any vintage I remember from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BEAULIEU Bordeaux Supérieur Comtes de Tastes 2009 Score: 88-91
A minerally and fruity wine, but subdued and balanced. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a long finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU JEAN FAUX Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 88-91
Wonderful nose already, with crushed blackberries and cherries. Medium-bodied, with beautiful tangy fruit and a fine tannin backbone. Very good for the appellation. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PETRUS GAIA Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 88-91
Chocolate, berry and meat aromas follow through to a medium body, with velvety tannins and a yummy finish. What a name? Maybe they should add the name Harlan to the label? Anyway, very good wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE REIGNAC Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 88-91
Pretty blueberry and coffee bean character. Full-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a medium finish. A beautiful Reignac. Whether it will ultimately be better than the 2005, we will see. —J.S.

DOMAINE DE COURTEILLAC Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry skin and currant on the nose. Medium-bodied, with sultanas, fine tannins and a clean, fruity finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'ISLE FORT Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 87-90
Blueberry and floral aromas follow through to a medium body, with lovely fruit and a bright finish. Yummy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE PIN BEAUSOLEIL Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 87-90
Bright floral and berry aromas follow through to a medium body, with lively, clean fruit and a fresh finish. Balanced. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CROIX-MOUTON Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 86-89
Floral and ripe plum on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. 75 percent Merlot, 15 percent Cabernet Franc, 7 percent Cabernet Sauvignon and 3 percent Petit Verdot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA FRANCE Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 86-89
Aromatic and pretty, with citrus and floral aromas. Medium-bodied, with good fruit and a clean, bright finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GREE LAROQUE Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 86-89
Blueberry and licorice aromas follow through to a medium body, with firm tannins and a fresh finish. Clean machine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PEY LA TOUR Bordeaux Supérieur Réserve du Château 2009 Score: 85-88
This has slightly cooked fruit, but with some pleasing jam and berry character as well. Medium-bodied, with soft tannins. —J.S.

PEZAT Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 84-87
Berry and cherry aromas follow through to a light body, with good fruit and a delicate finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TIMBERLAY Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 84-87
Blueberry and red licorice aromas follow through to a medium body, with a solid core of fruit and a silky finish. A little one-dimensional, but pretty. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRAND JEAN Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 83-86
Mineral, berry and licorice aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a clean finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE LAUNAY Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 83-86
Slightly stewed fruit with some berry and chewy character. Simple. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU THIEULEY Bordeaux Supérieur Réserve Francis Courselle 2009 Score: 83-86
Herb and berry aromas follow through to a medium body, with some fruit and a simple finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE L'ABBAYE Bordeaux Supérieur Les Vignes du Soir 2009 Score: 81-84
Tar and plum jam on the nose. Medium body. Simple finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DES EYRINS Bordeaux Supérieur Cru Mon Plaisir 2009 Score: 81-84
A fruity and simple wine. Not much to it. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU JULIAN Bordeaux Supérieur 2009 Score: 80-83
Light and simple, with some strawberry jam character. —J.S.

Côtes de Castillon

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX LARTIGUE Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 92-95
Black licorice and dark chocolate aromas. Full-bodied, with lots of juicy fruit and a coffee, cocoa finish. Serious tannin structure as well. A small-production wine from the team of Stéphane Derenoncourt, who are all leasing the property. First made in 2008. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CÔTE MONTPEZAT Côtes de Castillon Cuvée Compostelle 2009 Score: 91-94
Beautiful nose of crushed blueberries and raspberries. Full-bodied, with soft and velvety tannins and lots of pretty fruit. —J.S.

MONTLANDRIE Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 91-94
This shows wonderful aromas of blackberry with hints of flowers. Full bodied, with superfine tannins and a long, long finish. 75 percent Merlot and 25 percent Cabernet Franc. A new wine from the owner of L'église Clinet, who recently bought the 36-acre vineyard. —J.S.

ROC Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 91-94
Sweet fruit, with loads of subtle raspberry and blueberry. Full and silky. Excellent finish. Wow. —J.S.

DOMAINE DE L'A Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and violets on the nose. Medium- to full-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. Lovely raciness and balance to this. A little closed, but classy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU D'AIGUILHE Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 90-93
Spearmint, vanilla bean and dried dark fruits on the nose follow through to a full body, with silky tannins and a fruity finish. Still in reserve, but excellent. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CAP DE FAUGÈRES Côtes de Castillon La Mouleyre 2009 Score: 90-93
All Merlot. Lovely berry and milk chocolate aromas and flavors. Full and velvety, with a long finish. Loads going on. This is a selection of the old vines of Cap de Faugères. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU JOANIN BÉCOT Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 89-92
There's a solid of core of fruit in this red, with berry, chocolate and light coffee aromas and flavors. Full and velvety. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CAP DE FAUGÈRES Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 88-91
Lovely blueberry and mineral character, with hints of dried flowers. Medium- to full-bodied, with fine, slightly chewy tannins and a clean finish. A little austere. —J.S.

CLOS PUY ARNAUD Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 88-91
Intense aromas of crushed blackberries and minerals follow through to a full body, with a solid core of fruit and beautiful tannins. Juicy and succulent. Well done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE LAUSSAC Côtes de Castillon Cuvée Sacha 2009 Score: 88-91
A fruity and pretty wine, with berry, plum and vanilla character. There's a little too much wood at the moment, but wait and see. —J.S.

LE PIN DE BELCIER Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 88-91
Blackberry and black licorice, with some spices. Medium-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a silky finish. Balanced and polished. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VEYRY Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 88-91
Berry and blackberry aromas and flavors follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a minerally finish. Lovely balance to this. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU D'AIGUILHE QUERRE Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 87-90
A pretty and juicy wine, with fine and prevalent tannins. Medium-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. Lacks a center palate. —J.S.

CLOS LES LUNELLES Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry and mineral aromas follow through to a medium to full body, with firm tannins and a spicy, berry and coffee bean finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE LAUSSAC Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 87-90
A good and straightforward red, showing blueberry and mineral aromas and flavors on a medium body, with fine tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU AMPÉLIA Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 86-89
Black licorice and blueberry on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins. A little one-dimensional. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE BELCIER Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 86-89
Some mineral, flower and berry character follows through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a clean finish. —J.S.

MOYA Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 86-89
A fruity, almost jammy red, with currant and plums. Full-bodied, with round tannins. Slightly one-dimensional. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'ESTANG Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 85-88
Chewy and rich, with plum and prune character. Medium-bodied, with firm fruit. A little aggressive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ROBIN Côtes de Castillon 2009 Score: 85-88
Blueberry and spice on the nose. Medium-bodied, with simple fruit and a light finish. —J.S.

Fronsac & Canon-Fronsac

CHÂTEAU FONTENIL Fronsac 2009 Score: 91-94
Shows lots of blueberry, with a minerally undertone. Full-bodied, with superintegrated tannins and a long, long finish. Juicy and gorgeous, with a serious backbone of tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA ROUSSELLE Fronsac 2009 Score: 91-94
Beautiful clarity of fruit here, with licorice, blackberry and currant. Full and silky, long and racy. Dig it. Best ever baby. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE LA DAUPHINE Fronsac 2009 Score: 90-93
Blackberry and blueberry galore on the nose. Full-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a beautiful finish. Rich, yet with finesse. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE CARLMAGNUS Fronsac 2009 Score: 89-92
Tar and ripe berry aromas follow through to a full body, with juicy fruit and a long finish. Polished and deep. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-MAZERIS Canon-Fronsac 2009 Score: 89-92
Loads of fruit, coffee and chocolate character. Woody. Full and velvety, with a long finish. Concentrated. A delicious and generous young wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE LA HUSTE Fronsac 2009 Score: 89-92
Licorice and berry aromas, with a dark plum undertone. Full -bodied, with velvety tannins and a fruity finish. Solid wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ARNAUTON Fronsac 2009 Score: 88-91
Mineral and blueberry aromas. Full and velvety, with light spice and berry character. Very pretty. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BALLET Canon-Fronsac 2009 Score: 88-91
Lovely berry, cherry and floral aromas. Turns to toasted oak and chocolate, but subtle. Medium-bodied, with medium chewy tannins and a delicious finish. Like it. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MOULIN PEY-LABRIE Canon-Fronsac 2009 Score: 88-91
A racy little wine, with currant and berries on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES TROIS CROIX Fronsac 2009 Score: 88-91
Dark blackberry and flowers on the nose. Full-bodied, with soft and silky tannins and a ripe and fruity finish. Nicely crafted. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DALEM Fronsac 2009 Score: 87-90
Lots of reduced dark fruits on the nose. Medium-bodied, with velvety tannins and a medium finish. A little more concentration would be better. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAGÜE Fronsac 2009 Score: 87-90
An ultrarich Fronsac, with blackberry and fresh herbs on the nose. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a medium finish. A little short. Starts off great. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VRAI CANON BOUCHÉ Canon-Fronsac 2009 Score: 85-88
Currant and spices on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, but with a slightly lean finish. —J.S.


LIBER PATER Graves 2009 Score: 94-97
Intense and wild, with crushed berry and wet earth. Full and powerful. Unbelievable. From ancient, ungrafted vines. First vintage is 2007. —J.S.

CLOS FLORIDENE Graves 2009 Score: 88-91
Offers blueberry, violet and mineral on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a clean, silky finish. This has lots of finesse. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MEJEAN Graves 2009 Score: 87-90
Minerally and fruity, with black cherry. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU RAHOUL Graves 2009 Score: 87-90
Offers beautiful berry and mineral aromas, with hints of flowers. Medium-bodied, with lovely berry fruit and a soft, silky finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VILLA BEL-AIR Graves 2009 Score: 87-90
Currant and berries with milk chocolate on the nose. Medium-bodied, with silky tannins and attractive fruit. Coffee and cappuccino. They lost half the harvest from the hail in May but delivered a good wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE CHANTEGRIVE Graves 2009 Score: 86-89
Mushroom and spice aromas with ripe fruit follow through to a medium body, with velvety tannins and a medium finish. A little simple. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DES FOUGÈRES Graves Clos Montesquieu 2009 Score: 86-89
Bright berry and currant on the nose. Medium-bodied, with bright acidity and a simple finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FERRANDE Graves 2009 Score: 83-86
A simple red, with some berry and chocolate character. Light finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAURA Graves 2009 Score: 83-86
Some herb and berry character on the nose follows through to a medium body, with light tannins and a simple finish. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU LA LAGUNE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 93-96
Floral and precise fruit, with blackberry-skin character and mineral undertones. Full-bodied, with superfine tannins and a fresh, clean finish. Long and tight. Racy. Lovely texture. 60 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 25 percent Merlot and 15 percent Petit Verdot. This property is really on a roll now, delivering racy and structured reds; it gives much more freshness and character to the wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CHARMAIL Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 91-94
Tar, blueberry and currant aromas follow through to a full body, with soft, chewy tannins and a long finish. Big and juicy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE LAMARQUE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 91-94
Great nose on this, with currant and bright berries, hints of coffee too. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a soft, juicy finish. Best in a very long time. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PALOUMEY Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 90-93
Gorgeous black currant on the nose, with tar and lead pencil. Pauillac-like. Full-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a long finish. Serious. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA TOUR CARNET Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 90-93
Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a long finish. Solid and balanced, with pretty tannins. A polished young wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU D'AGASSAC Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 89-92
Mineral and berry aromas, with hints of toasted oak. Medium- to full-bodied, with silky tannins and a medium finish. Focused and polished for this appellation. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELGRAVE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 89-92
Licorice, currant and mineral on the nose. Medium- to full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a polished, silky-textured finish. There's a touch of bright acidity. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CARONNE-STE.-GEMME Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 89-92
Crushed blackberry and blueberry on the nose, with hints of sweet tobacco. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a pretty texture. Slightly hollow center palate, but attractive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAROSE-PERGANSON Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 89-92
Blackberry and licorice aromas follow through to a full body, with solid tannins and a polished, silky finish. Best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SOCIANDO-MALLET Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 89-92
Love the nose of currant and mineral, with hints of mint. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a medium finish. Tannic. Maybe too much. But I think it's going to come out excellent. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELLE-VUE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Silky and beautiful, with berry and dark chocolate aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied, polished tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CAMBON LA PELOUSE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Pretty aromas of currant and berries, with a mineral undertone. Medium-bodied, with firm tannins and a fruity finish. Nice wood under it all. Well-crafted young red. Could be best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CANTEMERLE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Very pretty and aromatic on the nose, with currant and flowers. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a clean finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU COUFRAN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Pretty nose, with crushed berries, mineral and flowers. Medium-bodied, with soft and silky tannins and a fruity finish. Yummy barrel sample. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAMOTHE BERGERON Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Lovely currants and berries on the nose and palate of this young wine. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a fresh, clean finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LIVERSAN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Currant and berries, with some sweet tobacco. Medium-bodied, with ripe tannins and a fruity finish. Very pleasant. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DU MOULIN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Gorgeous ripe berries and milk chocolate aromas follow through to a full body, with soft and velvety tannins and a long finish. Very juicy red. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ST.-PAUL Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Tar and blackberry, with stems on the nose. Full-bodied, with delicious concentration and a juicy finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BEAUMONT Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
A fruity and clean wine, with chocolate and berry character. Delicate finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BERNADOTTE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
A solid core of fruit in this young claret, with blackberry and chocolate character, medium body and medium finish. Dense and straightforward. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE BRAUDE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Some berry and vanilla character, with currant and blueberry. Medium-bodied, with slightly chewy tannins and a medium finish. Little hollow. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CAMENSAC Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Currant and mineral on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. Needs a little more fruit concentration in the midpalate for such a top vintage. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CITRAN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet tobacco, with berry and spices on the nose. Medium-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a medium finish. Pretty Citran. Don't think it's the 2000, but very good. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FLEUR LA MOTHE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
A balanced and fruity red, with currant and cream. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LABAT Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet tobacco and blueberry aromas follow through to a full body, with well-integrated tannins and a medium finish. Attractive texture to this. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE MALLERET Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Blueberry and mineral aromas, with hints of fresh herbs. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. A little hollow, but attractive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MEYRE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Solid core of fruit here that seems almost Porty. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. Slightly overextracted. But stylish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DU RETOUT Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Currant and blueberry on the nose. Medium-bodied, with pretty fruit and a light coffee bean and berry aftertaste. Pleasant structure. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SÉNÉJAC Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Berry and earthy, spicy character. Toasted oak. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins. A little hollow. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TROIS MOULINS Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Currant and blueberry on the nose. Medium-bodied, with a solid core of ripe tannins and a medium finish. A little lean, but polished. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VILLEGEORGE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Tar and berry aromas follow through to medium body, with slightly chewy tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BRAUDE FELLONNEAU Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and coffee and berry character. Lots of currant. A little hollow in the center palate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE GIRONVILLE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
Currant and blackberry aromas, with vanilla. Medium-bodied, with good fruit and soft tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LANESSAN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
Aromas of sandalwood and berries. Medium-bodied, with firm tannins and a medium finish. A little one-dimensional, but should come out very well. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAROSE-TRINTAUDON Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
Berry and tobacco aromas and flavors. Full-bodied, with a fruity finish. Ripe tannins. Simple, but clean. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LARRIVAUX Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
A fruity and attractive young red, with plum and currant on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins. Clean red. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU REYSSON Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
Berry and plum on the nose, with sweet tobacco. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a clean, fruity finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SOUDARS Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
Mineral, currant and sliced plums on the nose. Medium-bodied, with silky tannins and a medium finish. A little loosely knit, but attractive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VERDIGNAN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
A medium-bodied red, with medium chewy tannins and a medium finish. Slightly hollow center palate, but some good currant and a fresh character. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU D'ARCHE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 85-88
Floral, berry aromas. Medium-bodied, with good fruit and a medium finish. A little hollow. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BONNEAU Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 85-88
Delicate and fruity, with light tannins and a sliced plum and cherry character. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CISSAC Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 84-87
Fresh herbs and crushed berries on the nose follow through to a medium body, with light tannins and a fresh finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LIEUJEAN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 84-87
Straightforward, with cherry and currant aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied, with a slightly short finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HANTEILLAN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 83-86
Light and simple, with plum and berry character. Slightly chewy tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA LAUZETTE-DECLERCQ Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 83-86
A little green, with currant bush character and light wood. Medium body. Straightforward finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU RAMAGE LA BÂTISSE Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 83-86
Light and simple, with some berry and currant character. Delicate finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TOURTERAN Haut-Médoc 2009 Score: 82-85
Some berry and currant character on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied. Simple finish. —J.S.


LA FLEUR DE BOÜARD Lalande-de-Pomerol Le Plus 2009 Score: 93-96
Spicy, with super fruit and an opulent nose. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, juicy finish. Love the cashmerelike texture. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE CHAMBRUN Lalande-de-Pomerol Le Bourg 2009 Score: 92-95
There's lovely clarity and richness in this young wine, with crushed blackberry and currant. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins, yet balalnced and refined. A selection of the best terroir[n] of Chambrun. 60 percent Merlot and 40 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

LA FLEUR DE BOÜARD Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 92-95
Supersilky and round, with lovely berry, licorice and black chocolate character. Full and gorgeous. Like it. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE CHAMBRUN Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Fabulous aromas of crushed berry and blackberry, with hints of mineral and dark chocolate. Full-bodied, with soft, silky tannins and a clean, fresh finish. The is the third year of Silvio Denz's ownership of the estate, and it gets better and better. 90 percent Merlot and 10 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES CRUZELLES Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and loads of darks fruit on the nose. Full-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and silky tannins. Juicy finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GARRAUD Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Blackberry and floral aromas follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a long, flavorful finish. Very well done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-SURGET Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and mineral aromas follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a long, caressing finish. Enjoy the sweet and pretty fruit in this. —J.S.

DOMAINE DES SABINES Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Impressive aromas of coffee and blueberry follow through to a full body, with fine tannins and a fruity berry finish. There's lovely balance to this wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'ANCIEN Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry and mineral on the nose. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a clean finish. A wine that is nearly always beautiful. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BERTINEAU ST.-VINCENT Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
A fruity and clean wine, with floral and berry aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied. Fine tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA GRAVIÈRE Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry and mineral on the nose, with flowers. Full-bodied, with a solid core of tannins and a long finish. Seamless. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA SERGUE Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Blackberry jam, with hints of flowers. Full bodied, with velvety tannins and a fruity finish. Very attractive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SIAURAC Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Tar and black licorice on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a silky finish. Turns to asphalt. Stylish. —J.S.

BONNES RIVES Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
A fruity and juicy wine with friendly fruit and a minerally undertone. Medium-bodied. And a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CHENADE Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry aromas and flavors, with a minerally, berry and lightly tannic palate. Fresh finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRAND ORMEAU Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
A little light for the vintage, but with some attractive berry and mineral character on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with a fresh finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-CHAIGNEAU Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
Violet and mineral on the nose. Very pretty. Full-bodied, with a silky texture and a long finish. Polished. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU JEAN DE GUE Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet blackberry and cherry aromas follow through to a medium body, with a good core of fruit and a vanilla, coffee bean aftertaste. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES HAUTS-CONSEILLANTS Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 86-89
A fruity red, with some polished tannins and ripe fruit. Full and ripe. A little hot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PAVILLON BEL AIR Lalande-de-Pomerol Le Chapelain 2009 Score: 86-89
Berry and cherry character on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with a straightforward finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TOURNEFEUILLE Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 86-89
Some earth and berry aromas follow through to a full body, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. A little short. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX DES MOINES Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 85-88
A bit lean, with berry and mineral character. Medium-bodied, with a simple finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX DES MOINES Lalande-de-Pomerol L'Aubrorisie 2009 Score: 85-88
Dried berry, with ripe strawberry and blackberry on the nose. Medium-bodied, with silky tannins and a berry aftertaste. 100 percent Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX BELLEVUE Lalande-de-Pomerol 2009 Score: 82-85
Fruity and simple, with mineral. Light finish. Not much to it. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU CLARKE Listrac 2009 Score: 90-93
Sweet tobacco and blueberry aromas follow through to a full body, with a dense palate of ripe fruit and velvety tannins. Concentrated for the appellation. Well done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BIBIAN Listrac 2009 Score: 88-91
Sweet berry and plums aromas follow through to a medium body, with juicy fruit and a long finish. Balanced and very pretty. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FONRÉAUD Listrac 2009 Score: 88-91
Earthy and ripe, with good fruit. Turns to flowers. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a chocolate, coffee and berry finish. Lots going on for a wine from this appellation. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FOURCAS-DUPRÉ Listrac 2009 Score: 86-89
Some berry and fresh herb character. Medium-bodied, with polished tannins and a light finish. A little lean, but some clean fruit. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FOURCAS-HOSTEN Listrac 2009 Score: 86-89
Currantand dried cherry on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a light vanilla and berry aftertaste. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LESTAGE Listrac 2009 Score: 85-88
Tar and licorice aromas, with dark fruits underneath. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. A little hard. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU LYONNAT Lussac-St.-Emilion Emotion 2009 Score: 92-95
Coffee and ripe plum, with hints of prune on the nose. Full-bodied, with beautiful fruit and supersilky tannins. Long and gorgeous. Best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE BARBE BLANCHE Lussac-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Crushed blueberry and black cherry on the nose. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a fruity finish. Very good concentration for this appellation. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE LUSSAC Lussac-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Blueberry and licorice aromas. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and lots of new wood. Long finish. Slightly extracted. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DU COURLAT Lussac-St.-Emilion Cuvée Jean Baptiste 2009 Score: 86-89
Medium-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. Straightforward. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MOULIN DE GRENET Lussac-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 86-89
Aromatic, with plenty of berry and floral character. Medium-bodied, with medium chewy tannins and a fresh, clean finish. Slightly hollow. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CROIX DE RAMBEAU Lussac-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 85-88
Some berry and herb aromas and flavors. Medium- to light-bodied. Simple. —J.S.

L'ART DES MUNCH Lussac-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 84-87
Spicy and earthy, with ripe fruit on the nose. Medium-bodied, with delicate fruit and a slightly hot finish. Not showing all that well. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MUNCH Lussac-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 84-87
A good core of pretty berry fruit, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. A little hollow. —J.S.

ROC DE LUSSAC Lussac-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 79-82
Slightly herbal and light for the vintage. —J.S.

Jimmy Forsman

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SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Suckling part II


CHÂTEAU MALESCOT-ST.-EXUPÉRY Margaux 2009 Score: 97-100
This is absolutely fabulous. I love the complex aromas of ripe fruit and fresh flowers that turn to mineral and raspberry, along with tannins on the finish. This changes all the time. Full-bodied and dense, but so beautiful and long. The layers of ultrafine tannins just turn off the tip of your tongue. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MARGAUX Margaux 2009 Score: 96-99
The nose is so intensely fruity, but subtle and reserved at the same time. Fascinating. Full-bodied, yet superrefined, building on the palate. It's like watching a long-distance runner starting off slowly but continuing along his or her path. Fine and dense tannins. A few minutes in the glass and the massive tannins show. Muscular and subdued. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PALMER Margaux 2009 Score: 95-98
Loaded with exotic fruit, with masses of crushed blackberry and blueberry. Superclear and fruit forward. Full and velvety, with fresh acidity and a long, long finish. This is almost in your face, but reserved in a way. Superseductive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PRIEURÉ-LICHINE Margaux 2009 Score: 94-97
Complex aromas of mineral, blueberry and currant follow through to a full body, with superfine tannins and a long, long finish. This is exceptional. Best of all time. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CANTENAC-BROWN Margaux 2009 Score: 93-96
Fresh berry and currant, with mint and spices. Full-bodied, with supervelvety tannins and a long, flavorful finish. Toasted oak, ripe fruit, everything. A beauty. Best ever. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU POUGET Margaux 2009 Score: 93-96
Currant and blackberry galore on the nose, but the palate seems subtle and beautiful. Full-bodied, with wonderful silky tannins and a mineral, mint and berry aftertaste. Such delicious fruit here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU RAUZAN-SÉGLA Margaux 2009 Score: 93-96
Shows a lovely concentration of currant and blackberry. Hints of vanilla follow through to a full body, with layers of ripe fruit and fine, fruit-coated tannins. I love the ripe and pretty fruit to this. Very fruit-forward. The château cut back on the new wood, and went for a fruitier style. I like that. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CHANTELUNE Margaux 2009 Score: 92-95
Blueberry, licorice and hints of toasted oak on the nose. Full-bodied, with wonderful concentration and texture. Long, long finish. This is fab. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GISCOURS Margaux 2009 Score: 92-95
Subtle and pretty on the nose, with blueberry, blackberry and hints of flowers. Full and very fine, showing a beautiful texture of polished tannins. Wonderfully long and balanced. 53 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 7 percent Cabernet Franc, and the rest is Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU KIRWAN Margaux 2009 Score: 92-95
Wow. A subtle yet fabulous burst of fruit on the nose, with currant, mineral and flowers. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a fruity, beautiful finish. So pretty. Chewy. Big Kirwan. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LASCOMBES Margaux 2009 Score: 92-95
Fascinating aromas of crushed berries and fresh herbs follow through to a full body, with velvety, polished tannins and a long, long finish. Wonderful wine. More reserved than the 2005, but potentially better. —J.S.

MAROJALLIA Margaux 2009 Score: 92-95
This is really racy and beautiful, with mineral and berry aromas and flavors. Full-bodied, but tight and long. There's gorgeous texture and class to this. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MARQUIS DE TERME Margaux 2009 Score: 92-95
Blackberry and mineral on the nose, with hints of mint. Full-bodied, with superpolished and silky tannins and a long, flavorful finish. All there. Best ever? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA TOUR DE MONS Margaux 2009 Score: 92-95
Bright blackberry and sweet currant aromas follow through to a full body, silky and refined, with an excellent density and a long, long finish. Soild and polished. Best ever from here? —J.S.

L'AURA DE CAMBON Margaux 2009 Score: 91-94
Blueberry and mineral, with dried flowers on the nose. Full-bodied, with very polished and juicy tannins. Turns chewy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA TOUR-DE-BESSAN Margaux 2009 Score: 91-94
Blueberry and floral aromas follow through to a full body, with superfine tannins and a long, flavorful finish. But very refined and subtle. Love the texture. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU D'ANGLUDET Margaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Licorice, blackberry and lightly toasted oak. Full-bodied, with velvety and polished tannins that follow through to a refined and delicious finish. So pretty already. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELLEVUE DE TAYAC Margaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and blackberry, with hints of licorice. Full-bodied, with soft, silky tannins and a long finish of sweet fruit, with hints of vanilla. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BOYD-CANTENAC Margaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Currant, blackberry and mineral aromas follow through to a full body, with silky tannins and beautiful fruit. Balanced and fine, with a gorgeous finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DAUZAC Margaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Sweet berry and plum aromas, with hints of toasted oak and coffee bean. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, pretty and fruity finish. Lacks a little of a midpalate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FERRIÈRE Margaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and mineral aromas. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a beautiful sandalwood, floral, berry aftertaste. Very polished young red. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MARSAC-SEGUINEAU Margaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Ripe currant and blueberry on the nose. Full-bodied, with a beautiful core of red fruits on the palate and silky, caressing tannins. Very well done for this estate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONGRAVEY Margaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Ripe, sweet berry and currant aromas follow through to a full body, with fine tannins and a mineral, fruit and dried flower aftertaste. Best ever? —J.S.

Love the strawberry and ripe raspberry aromas. Full-bodied, with superrefined tannins, berry, flower and rose petal. Fresh finish. Harmonious. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SIRAN Margaux 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and licorice aromas follow through to a full body, with supersilky tannins and a long, flavorful finish. All there. —J.S.

Chewy red, with blueberry and mineral character. Full-bodied, with a juicy finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BRANE-CANTENAC Margaux 2009 Score: 89-92
Blueberries with a chalky, mineral undertone on the nose. Full-bodied, with fine tannins and a fresh finish. New wood already showing strong. Not giving much. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DURFORT-VIVENS Margaux 2009 Score: 89-92
Loads of dried flowers, currant and blackberry. Chewy and full. Velvety tannins. Solid core of fruit. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LABÉGORCE Margaux 2009 Score: 89-92
Mineral and currant, with fresh herbs on the nose. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a pretty balance of wood. A little tight, as it should be, but shows potential already. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONBRISON Margaux 2009 Score: 89-92
Blueberry and currant aromas follow through to a full body, with very pretty fruit and a chewy finish. A little overextracted. But juicy and yummy. —J.S.

LA BASTIDE DAUZAC Margaux 2009 Score: 88-91
Berry and coffee aromas follow through to a full body, with silky tannins and a fruity, minerally aftertaste. Second wine of Dauzac. —J.S.

CLOS DU JAUGUEYRON Margaux 2009 Score: 88-91
Chewy and rich, with dried fruits and fresh herbs. Full and chewy. Lacks some middle palate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU D'ISSAN Margaux 2009 Score: 88-91
Blackberry and mineral aromas follow through to a full body, with silky tannins and a medium finish. Subtle and attractive, but lacks a little concentration. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PALMER Margaux Alter Ego 2009 Score: 88-91
Love the gorgeous red fruits in this wine. It seems a little Porty, with prune and blackberry character, but so soft, round and rich. Could use a little more in the center palate, but opulent and generous. A little hot. 50 percent Merlot and 50 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TAYAC-PLAISANCE Margaux 2009 Score: 88-91
Currant and blueberry on the nose. Full and velvety tannins and a juicy finish. Very pretty fruit. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DU TERTRE Margaux 2009 Score: 88-91
Floral and perfumed, with blackberry and blueberry. Full and silky, with a lovely finish. Balanced. Lovely chocolaty character and texture. Big improvement. 55 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 22 percent Merlot, 15 percent Cabernet Franc and 8 percent Petit Verdot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA BESSANE Margaux 2009 Score: 87-90
Licorice and plums on the nose. Medium-bodied, with chewy tannins and a tarry, spicy finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA GURGUE Margaux 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet berry, with fresh flowers and bright fruit. Full-bodied, with good fruit, but a slightly short finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU RAUZAN-GASSIES Margaux 2009 Score: 87-90
A pleasant young wine, with berry and currant character that follows through to a medium body, with a simple finish. —J.S.

CLOS DES QUATRE VENTS Margaux 2009 Score: 86-89
Some berry and cherry character, with medium body and a simple finish. Not much to it right now. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DEYREM-VALENTIN Margaux 2009 Score: 85-88
Blueberry and spices on the nose. Medium-bodied, with vanilla, currant and mineral. Simple. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DESMIRAIL Margaux 2009 Score: 84-87
A simple red, with some currant and herb aromas and flavors and a light finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DES EYRINS Margaux 2009 Score: 83-86
Lots of toasted oak and ripe fruit on the nose. Medium-bodied, with simple fruit and a light finish. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU HAUT CONDISSAS Médoc Presitge 2009 Score: 90-93
Offers a solid core of mineral, berry and light vanilla aromas and flavors. Full and racy, with a long finish. Well done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-MAURAC Médoc 2009 Score: 90-93
Love the fresh sweet berry and blackberry, with floral undertones. Full-bodied, with superfine tannins and a long finish. Nice length. Digging it. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CARDONNE Médoc 2009 Score: 89-92
Pretty blueberry and flowers on the nose. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a long finish. Lots going on. Big wine for the appellation. Best in a long time from here. —J.S.

CLOS MANOU Médoc 2009 Score: 89-92
Wow. Beautiful nose of crushed blackberries, with coffee bean and light mint. Full-bodied, with a lovely core of ripe fruit and polished, velvety tannins. 56 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 38 percent Merlot, 4 percent Cabernet Franc and 2 percent Petit Verdot. Best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PATACHE D'AUX Médoc 2009 Score: 89-92
Mineral, berry and black licorice aromas follow through to a full body, with supersilky tannins and a long finish. Lovely wine. Best ever from here? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FONTAINE DE L'AUBIER Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry skin and asphalt on the nose. Full-bodied, with polished, velvety tannins and a medium finish. Very balanced and pretty. —J.S.

GOULÉE Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Delicious red fruits and spices on the nose and palate. Full- to medium-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a long finish. Layered. Subtle. Very pretty wine. Perhaps the best I have had from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LOUSTEAUNEUF Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Excellent concentration of fruit here, with crushed blackberries. Full and juicy, with medium chewy tannins and a fresh finish. Impressive. Best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PREUILLAC Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
What violets and dark fruit, with mineral on the nose. Medium-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a raspberry and currant finish. Yes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ROLLAN DE BY Médoc 2009 Score: 88-91
Shows tobacco and berry aromas, with plenty of new wood. Full-bodied, with loads of ripe fruit and a juicy finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES GRANDS CHÊNES Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
An attractive Medoc, with mineral and currant character. Medium-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT BARRAIL Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
A fruity and silky wine, with a good core of ripe fruit and fine tannins. Lots of new wood, too. Needs a little more fruit concentration in the midpalate. —J.S.

L'INCLASSABLE Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
A very fruity Medoc, verging on jam, with raspberry and currant. Full-bodied and straightforward, with soft tannins. Shows lots of wood, but this is interesting. —J.S.

L'INCLASSABLE Médoc de Remy Fauchey 2009 Score: 87-90
Very jammy, with baby fat on it, but clean and pretty, with a full body and soft tannins. —J.S.

MAGREZ TIVOLI Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Very pretty red, with currant and flowers on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a medium finish. Nicely crafted. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MAISON-BLANCHE Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Blueberry and currant, with blackberry. Medium- to full-bodied, with firm tannins and a floral, fresh finish. —J.S.

PATACHE Cabernet Sauvignon Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Mineral, licorice and asphalt, with plenty of fruit. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a long finish. Very pretty wine. Plenty of Cab character. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU POTENSAC Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Intense aromas of currant and blackberry, with hints of licorice, follow through to a full body, with a balance of tannins and a spearmint and mineral aftertaste. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU RAMAFORT Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Crushed blueberries and blackberries on the nose follow through to a full body, with fine tannins and a medium finish. Interesting wine. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TOUR HAUT-CAUSSAN Médoc 2009 Score: 87-90
Some berry and currant, with mint. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. Hollow center palate. But should improve with barrel age. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CLARE Médoc 2009 Score: 86-89
Lots of vanilla and aniseed aromas and flavors, with fresh fruit as well. Medium-bodied, with light tannins and a fruity finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LOUDENNE Médoc 2009 Score: 84-87
Shows currant bush and fresh herbs on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a berry and herb aftertaste. —J.S.

CHAPELLE DE POTENSAC Médoc 2009 Score: 83-86
A simple and fruity wine with currant and raspberry character, medium tannins, simple finish. Second wine of Potensac. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES ORMES-SORBET Médoc 2009 Score: 83-86
Sweet berry and cherry aromas follow through to a medium body, with a mineral, tannic backbone. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRIVIÈRE Médoc 2009 Score: 82-85
Blackberry and mineral aromas follow through to a medium body, with some fruit, but turns a little austere. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LACOMBE-NOAILLAC Médoc 2009 Score: 81-84
A simple and fruity red, with currant and berry character, light tannins and a delicate finish. Not much to it. —J.S.

VIEUX CHÂTEAU LANDON Médoc 2009 Score: 81-84
A little lean and green, but some decent fruit. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU BEAUSÉJOUR Montagne-St.-Emilion 1901 2009 Score: 90-93
Sweet berry and flowers on the nose. Violets. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and lots of new wood. A little overdone. But shows serious potential. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MESSILE AUBERT Montagne-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Powerful and rich, with supervelvety tannins and a long finish. Full and rich. Another impressive wine from a not so impressive appellation. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA PAPETERIE Montagne-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Blackberry and spices on the nose. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, delicious finish. Beautiful for the appellation. —J.S.

VIEUX CHÂTEAU PALON Montagne-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Excellent core of fruit in this young wine, with silky tannins and a long, pretty finish. Well done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BEAUSÉJOUR Montagne-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Crushed berries and blackberries on the nose. Floral undertone. Full-bodied, with super well-integrated tannins and a long finish. Racy. Excellent for the appellation. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FAIZEAU Montagne-St.-Emilion Vieilles Vignes 2009 Score: 87-90
Offers some berry and mineral character, with a medium body and a coffee aftertaste. A little hollow, but attractive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TREYTINS Montagne-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 84-87
A little lean, with some berry and cherry character. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins. A little short. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU POUJEAUX Moulis 2009 Score: 93-96
Full and very velvety, with round and juicy tannins. Creamy. New ownership here is really making a difference in wine quality; this is the best ever after maybe the 1929. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CHASSE-SPLEEN Moulis 2009 Score: 90-93
Subtle aromas of currant, spices and milk chocolate follow through to a full body, with a solid and polished core of tannins and a silky-textured finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BISTON-BRILLETTE Moulis 2009 Score: 89-92
Currant and crushed berries, with a hint of sweet tobacco on the nose. Full-bodied, with a solid core of ripe and spicy fruit and polished tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BRILLETTE Moulis 2009 Score: 89-92
A tight and integrated Moulis, with ripe fruit and tannins, full body and a chewy yet silky-textured finish. As it should be. —J.S.

Sweet berry, with lovely flowers that follow through to a medium body, with integrated tannins and a medium finish. Balanced and lovely. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA GARRICQ Moulis 2009 Score: 87-90
Subtle aromas of Indian spices and minerals, with fruit. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and an attractive finish. Balanced. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LALAUDEY Moulis 2009 Score: 87-90
Currant and sweet tobacco on the nose. Medium-bodied, with a pretty core of fruit and ripe tannins. Medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU POMEYS Moulis 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet berry and tobacco aromas follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MALMAISON Moulis 2009 Score: 85-88
Simple and fruity, with some sweet tobacco and berry character. Medium-bodied, with a light finish. A little disappointing. —J.S.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Suckling part III


CHÂTEAU LATOUR Pauillac 2009 Score: 97-100
This is incredibly floral on the nose, with violet and lilac as well as dark and ripe raspberry and blueberry. Full-bodied, with a dense and incredibly rich palate yet held back and in reserve. Such precision and beauty. It lasts for minutes on the palate. This reminds me of the 1990, but better made and better raised. It is really the style of Latour, where the tannins grab you at the end. This will most likely be a perfect wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MOUTON-ROTHSCHILD Pauillac 2009 Score: 97-100
I am speechless over the nose in this wine. Mint, blackberry, currant and black licorice turn to flowers such as lilacs and roses. Wow. It fills your mouth with the same fruit, but with an intensity of superpolished tannins. It finishes with complex yet reserved coffee, toasted oak and ripe fruit and then in two or three minutes it becomes milk chocolate. Just a joy to taste. Best Mouton since 1982 or 1986; in fact, it's like a bend of the two. A perfect Mouton? 88 percent Cabernet Sauvignon and 12 percent Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAFITE ROTHSCHILD Pauillac 2009 Score: 96-99
Offers currant and wild raspberry, with a lilac and exotic character on the nose, turning to sweet tobacco and cedar. Full-bodied, showing very racy tannins and a balance of pretty fruit. This is powerful yet elegant, almost delicate, with a wonderful polish. But then the tannins take off. Muscular yet agile. A very classic Bordeaux style. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LYNCH-BAGES Pauillac 2009 Score: 96-99
The nose shows amazing aromas of mint, spices and currant, with underlying licorice and tar. Full-bodied, with amazing fruit and a long, long finish. Powerful. Blockbuster, but balanced. So structured. Lynch has not made a wine like this since perhaps 1989 or 1982. Better than Wine of the Year 1985 Lynch. —J.S.

Wow. This has an incredible complexity on the nose of currant, spice, mineral and flowers. Full-bodied, with a great density of fruit and tannins, yet polished and beautiful. This could be the new 1982 from here. Made from 75 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 20 percent Merlot and 5 percent Petit Verdot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PONTET-CANET Pauillac 2009 Score: 95-98
Delivers aromas of blueberry skin, fresh flowers, licorice and raspberry sauce, with something exotic underneath it all. Full-bodied, with wonderful clarity and freshness. It's like looking at a full moon on a crystal-clear night in the country. This keeps coming at you, with tannins and ripe fruit. What balance, yet power to the wine. I love how the wine changes and challenges you with every sip. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRAND-PUY-LACOSTE Pauillac 2009 Score: 94-97
Lovely nose of sweet currant and blueberry that follows through to a full body, with juicy, velvety tannins and a licorice, tar and dark chocolate finish. Like it. The new 1982? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CLERC MILON Pauillac 2009 Score: 93-96
Delivers blackberry galore, with fabulous floral and currant undertones. Complex on the nose. Full-bodied, offering chewy tannins and lots of black licorice and currant character. Chewy, but reserved at the same time. A top Clerc. 50 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 44 percent Merlot, 4 percent Cabernet Franc, 1 percent Petit Verdot and 1 percent Carmenère. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BATAILLEY Pauillac 2009 Score: 92-95
Currant and blackberry on the nose, with hints of toasted oak. Full-bodied, with big, chewy tannins. This is the biggest Batailley in years. Lots of improvement here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELLEGRAVE Pauillac 2009 Score: 92-95
Concentrated, with loads of currant and blackberry that turn to mint on the nose. Full-bodied, with polished and velvety tannins. Beautiful finish with licorice and fruit. Really excellent. —J.S.

LES FORTS DE LATOUR Pauillac 2009 Score: 92-95
Violet and mineral, with hints of blackberry and blueberry on the nose. Full-bodied, with superreserved and refined tannins, yet dense and very impressive. Long and racy. Lasts for minutes. Second wine of Latour. —J.S.

Loads of currant and blackberry, with mineral and dried flowers. Full-bodied, with ultrafine, very long tannins. Really builds on the palate. A racy style, with excellent length. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU D'ARMAILHAC Pauillac 2009 Score: 91-94
Love the minty, floral and dark berry aromas to this young wine. Full-bodied, with supe fine and polished tannins. Long and racy. Wonderful texture. Perhaps the best d'Armailhac ever. 60 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 24 percent Merlot, 14 percent Cabernet Franc and 2 percent Petit Verdot. —J.S.

Intense aromas of currant and blackberry, with hints of toasted oak and flowers. Full-bodied, with thick and powerful tannins that are polished and racy. A persistent young wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRAND-PUY-DUCASSE Pauillac 2009 Score: 91-94
A pretty nose of lead pencil and currant follows through to a full body, with well-integrated tannins and a silky, long finish. Stylish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BAGES-LIBÉRAL Pauillac 2009 Score: 91-94
Currant and mint, with hints of fresh herbs. Lovely complex nose already. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a long, racy finish. Solid core of beautiful fruit. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BATAILLEY Pauillac 2009 Score: 90-93
Sweet berry, with currant and mint on the nose and palate. Full-bodied, yet reserved and silky. Lovely finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PÉDESCLAUX Pauillac 2009 Score: 90-93
A wine with a solid core of berry and milk chocolate character. Full and round, with velvety tannins and a juicy, fruity finish. This shows great improvement for what was once consider the worst classified-growth. —J.S.

Impressive aromas of mint, mineral and black fruits follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and persistent finish. Dense and well-structured. 63 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 22 percent Merlot and 15 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

Sweet berry and currant on the nose, with hints of cedar and sandalwood. Full-bodied, with wonderful milk ciocolate and berry character. Long and supersilky. Love the balance to this. Slightly green tea aromas and flavors at the finish hold me back a little. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CORDEILLAN-BAGES Pauillac 2009 Score: 89-92
Floral and sweet berry aromas follow through to a full body. A little hard, but shows solid tannins and good fruit. Chewy. —J.S.

ECHO DE LYNCH-BAGES Pauillac 2009 Score: 89-92
Sweet berry and currant on the nose and palate, with hints of mint. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long finish. This is like Lynch from the 1980s. This is made with more Cabernet Sauvignon than the old second wines of Lynch, and shows more class. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR PEYRABON Pauillac 2009 Score: 89-92
Sweet currant and flowers on the nose. Full-bodied, with big, velvety tannins and a long and luscious finish. Juicy wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PEYRABON Pauillac 2009 Score: 89-92
Currant bush, with crushed berries on the nose that follow through to a full body. Chewy tannins are a little extracted, but finishes juicy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PIBRAN Pauillac 2009 Score: 89-92
This is well-structured with lots of fruit and rich tannins. No nonsense. Powerful. Best in years. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FONBADET Pauillac 2009 Score: 88-91
The new wood is really showing in this, and at the same time plenty of ripe fruit. Medium- to full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a medium finish. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LYNCH-MOUSSAS Pauillac 2009 Score: 88-91
A balanced wine, with pretty currant and hints of ripe citrus fruit. Medium- to full-bodied, with a balance of tannins and a medium finish. 28 percent Merlot and 62 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

RÉSERVE DE LA COMTESSE Pauillac 2009 Score: 88-91
Currants and flowers on the nose. Dried spices as well. Full-bodied, with silky yet chewy tannins and a long finish. Dense and solid. Second wine of Pichon-Lalande. —J.S.

LES TOURELLES DE LONGUEVILLE Pauillac 2009 Score: 88-91
Currants and berries on the nose, with very pretty fruit. Medium- to full-bodied, with firm tannins and a medium finish. Second wine of Pichon-Baron. —J.S.

LACOSTE-BORIE Pauillac 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet berry and coffee aromas, with hints of China tea. Medium-bodied, with lovely sweet fruit and a balance of fine tannins. Clean and pretty. Second wine of Grand-Puy-Lacoste. —J.S.

PAUILLAC DE CHÂTEAU LATOUR Pauillac 2009 Score: 87-90
Superfocused blackberry and violet aromas follow through to a full body, with plenty of dense fruit and chewy tannins. Medium to long finish. This is precise and well done. Third wine of Latour. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BAGES-MONPELOU Pauillac 2009 Score: 86-89
Fruity and inviting, with currant, blackberry and sandalwood character. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a simple finish. —J.S.

LES HAUT DE LYNCH-MOUSSAS Pauillac 2009 Score: 85-88
Medium-bodied, with soft tannins and a fruity finish. Clean and friendly. Second wine from Lynch-Moussas. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 97-100
A dark and brooding wine, delivering blackberry, black licorice, mahogany, subtle grilled meat and raspberry jam. Full-bodied, with layers of ripe and chewy tannins. Loads of fruit yet subtle and reserved, and a long, long finish. Super fruit, yet held back. A 2005 in the remaking, but perhaps slightly supercharged. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BAILLY Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 95-98
Lovely sweet berry and plum aromas, with hints of sandalwood and cedar. Full-bodied, with milk chocolate, berry and vanilla bean character. Thick and dense tannins, but balanced and very pretty. Sneaks up on you. Really powerful in tannins. This could be better than the fab 2005. 60 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 37 percent Merlot and 3 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SMITH-HAUT-LAFITTE Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 95-98
Clean. Blackberry and lightly toasted oak with coffee and cedar. Full-bodied and a very, very powerful structure. Blockbuster. Massive and dense, yet remains agile. A triumph for this estate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA MISSION-HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 94-97
Shows juicy aromas of ripe Cabernet Sauvignon and currant, with hints of forest fruits and sandalwood. Full-bodied, offering chewy, mouthcoating tannins that are fruit-coated and velvety. Dense and powerful. A little subdued. Could be better than I think. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PAPE CLÉMENT Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 94-97
There's lovely density and beauty to this young wine, with tobacco, light vanilla, chocolate and ripe fruit. Full and polished, with velvety tannins. Long and reserved, but very, very serious. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES CARMES-HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 93-96
This is gorgeous, with blackberry and licorice and spice. Full and silky-textured tannins turn chewy, but finishes with class. Best ever? So impressive. —J.S.

DOMAINE DE CHEVALIER Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 93-96
Shows a super nose of crushed blueberry and blackberry, with hints of raspberry. Full-bodied, offering a fabulous core of fruit and ripe tannins that caress your palate for minutes. Love the chocolate and blueberry character. Wonderful texture. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE FIEUZAL Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 93-96
Intense blueberry, coffee bean and toasted oak character follows through to a full body, with supervelvety tannins and a long, long finish. This is really excellent. Best Fieuzal in years. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BRANON Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 92-95
Love the nose on this, with blackberry, licorice and stone. Full-bodied, with supersilky and ultrafine tannins. This wine goes on and on. —J.S.

CLOS MARSALETTE Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 91-94
Beautiful dark fruits, with blackberry and mineral. Full-bodied, with gorgeous blueberry flavors and a long, silky finish. Really long. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU COUHINS-LURTON Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 91-94
Loads of crushed sweet berries on the nose, with fresh herbs and licorice. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, polished and soft texture on the end. And plenty of fruit. So pretty. Really impressive red from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BERGEY Pessac-Léognan L'Etoile 2009 Score: 91-94
Blueberry and spices on the nose. Full-bodied, with super well-integrated tannins and a berry, spice and dark cherry aftertaste. Really polished. —J.S.

LA SÉRÉNITÉ BERNARD MAGREZ Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 91-94
This has a solid core of fruit, with loads of plum and vanilla, yet it's reserved. Full-bodied, with velvety-textured tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BARET Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and clove on the nose. Full-bodied, with soft and velvety tannins and a core of impressive fruit. Superfruity. 49 percent Merlot, 48 percent Cabernet Sauvignon and 3 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CANTELYS Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Currant and blackberry, minerals. Full and chewy, with serious fruit but a little subdued. Muscular. 65 percent Cabernet Sauvignon 35 percent Merlot. —J.S.

LA CHAPELLE DE LA MISSION-HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
A structured young red with blueberry, toasted oak and coffee aromas and flavors. Full and silky, with ripe tannins and beautiful fruit. Long and flavorful. Second wine of La Mission. —J.S.

LE CLARENCE DE HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Violets and berries on the nose, with just a whiff of cream and vanilla. Full-bodied, with ultrafine tannins and gorgeous fruit. Caressing, silky finish. The renamed second wine of Haut-Brion (used to be Bahans). —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA GARDE Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Mineral, spice, stone and fruit aromas follow through to a full body, with soft, velvety tannins and a pretty finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BERGEY Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Pretty nose of blackberry and mineral that follows through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a long finish. Juicy and rich. Very well done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LARRIVET-HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Blackberry and mineral on the nose, with dried flowers. Full-bodied, with very silky tannins and a long finish. This is racy and cool. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LATOUR MARTILLAC Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Very attractive blackberry, licorice and hints of toasted oak. Full-bodied, with soft and silky tannins and a milk chocolate and berry aftertaste. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LESPAULT-MARTILLAC Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Blackberry with mineral and fresh flowers on the nose. Full-bodied, with fine tannins and a delicious finish. Lovely core of fruit. A new winery of 20 acres of mostly 50-year-old Merlot from the owners of Domaine de Chevalier. —J.S.

DOMAINE DE LA PASSION HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and flowers on the nose; wonderful nose. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a fresh finish. Lovely length. 60 percent Cabernet Franc and 40 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. Stylish blend. Normally not so much CF. Estate next to Haut-Brion. Only 6,000 bottles made. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PICQUE-CAILLOU Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and flowers, with hints of sweet tobacco on the nose. Full-bodied, with polished and silky tannins and a long, juicy finish. Best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE ROCHEMORIN Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 90-93
Loads of blueberry and spices. Fresh sweet tobacco too. Complex. Full and velvety-textured young red, with lovely fruit and a balance of ripe tannins. I really like this. Best ever from here? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BROWN Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 89-92
Focused berry and floral aromas, with aniseed and licorice undertones. Full-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a chewy finish. A little hot. But stylish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE CRUZEAU Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 89-92
Sweet berry and floral aromas follow through to a full body, with rich and fruity flavors, cream and vanilla oak character and a long finish. Will come together nicely. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE FRANCE Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 89-92
Spicy, with berry, currant and sandalwood. Full-bodied, with rich and round tannins and a delicious finish. —J.S.

LES HAUTS DE SMITH Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 89-92
Floral and blueberry aromas. Licorice. Full and supersilky, with polished tannins and a long finish. Solid core of fruit and tannins. Second wine of Smith. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MALARTIC-LAGRAVIÈRE Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 89-92
Intense aromas of licorice, tar and spices, with plenty of fruit. Full, thick and powerful, with soft, round tannins and a fruity finish. Could use a little more fruit center palate, but this is very good. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE THIL Pessac-Léognan Comte Clary 2009 Score: 89-92
Blackberry and licorice aromas, with hints of tar. Medium- to full-bodied, with ripe fruit and a slightly hot finish. Chewy. Interesting. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BOUSCAUT Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 88-91
Black licorice and mineral on the nose. Full-bodied, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. Balanced and silky. But turns just a tad chewy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FERRAN Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 88-91
Intense aromas of black licorice and berries, with hints of mineral. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a beautiful finish. Gorgeous young wine. Best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA LOUVIÈRE Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 88-91
A silky red, with plum and mineral character that follows through to a medium body with fine tannins. Refined and pretty. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CARBONNIEUX Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 87-90
A little lean, with chewy tannins, medium to full body and a medium finish. Slightly short. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GAZIN ROCQUENCOURT Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 87-90
A balanced and pretty wine, with currant and light spices. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-NOUCHET Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet berry and violet aromas follow through to a medium body, with a ripe and fruity finish. One-dimensional. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU OLIVIER Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 87-90
Subtle aromas of violet and blueberry follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a fresh, clean finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CASTAN Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 86-89
Blackberry and sweet tobacco character. Medium-bodied, with silky tannins and a medium finish. A new winery. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAFONT MENAUT Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 86-89
Licorice and berry aromas, with a medium body and silky tannins. Simple and clean. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE SARTRE Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 86-89
Mineral, berry and licorice on the nose. Medium-bodied, with a stony, mineral and berry character. Slightly chewy finish. Getting better all the time. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-VIGNEAU Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 85-88
Brambleberry and sweet tobacco on the nose. Medium-bodied, with some stewed fruit and a medium finish. A little rustic. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-LAGRANGE Pessac-Léognan 2009 Score: 79-82
Sweet tobacco and berry character on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with an herbal finish. Hard to get excited about. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Suckling part IV


CHÂTEAU L'ÉGLISE CLINET Pomerol 2009 Score: 97-100
The nose on this already suggests a deep and contemplative wine with blackberry, dried flowers and sweet berries. Evolves to black olive and hints of asphalt. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and tangy, rich fruit. It really grabs hold of you and wants to tell you it's special. Loads of ripe tannins too. Big and structured. Turns to tapenade. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAFLEUR Pomerol 2009 Score: 97-100
The nose is fascinating, with blackberry, black licorice, mineral, flowers and more. Full-bodied, with an incredible texture of ripe tannins and cashmere yarn. A tightly wound ball. What length too. This wine made me feel like getting in the lotus position and meditating. It's almost more than wine. Vinous Nirvana. I think the Cabernet Franc really gave that extra level to it all. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PÉTRUS Pomerol 2009 Score: 97-100
What a nose this has. I close my eyes when I smell this, and I see perfectly ripe Merlot grapes crushed in the vats. Blackberry, mineral, black licorice, coffee bean and chocolate lead to a full body, with round yet firm tannins and beautiful fruit. The luxurious finish offers a cashmere texture and gorgeous fruit. Rich and subtle. Doesn't appear to be the 2005, but very close. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TROTANOY Pomerol 2009 Score: 97-100
A nose of dark chocolate and crushed raspberry evolves to blackberry and ripe raspberry. Full-bodied, with chewy and powerful tannins that leave a rich and mouthpuckering finish. This is a big and powerful Trot. Wow. Haven't tasted a Trot like this in decades. —J.S.

VIEUX-CHÂTEAU-CERTAN Pomerol 2009 Score: 97-100
This has an incredible nose of chocolate and berries that turns to sweet tobacco and China tea leaves. Full-bodied, with a beautiful softness and silkiness that makes you want to keep tasting it. Goes on and on. 84 percent Merlot, 8 percent Cabernet Franc and 8 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'EVANGILE Pomerol 2009 Score: 96-99
I love the aromas of black olive and blueberry, with mineral and light mint. Full-bodied, with supervelvety tannins. Superlong. This is dense and very beautiful, with such a great core of fruit. Silky texture. Not sure it is going to be better than 2005 (100 pointer!) but super. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE PIN Pomerol 2009 Score: 96-99
This is classic Merlot from Pomerol on the nose, with black licorice, black olive and rich fruit. Yet it's subtle and pretty. Full-bodied, and chewy, with loads of power. Tannic and muscular. Chocolate, coffee and vanilla bean. I can't remember a Le Pin like this. You'd have to go back to 1986, or 1983. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CLINET Pomerol 2009 Score: 95-98
Blackberry and mineral aromas, with flowers. Full-bodied, but reserved and supersilky and pretty. This is the bomb. Forget the 1989. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CONSEILLANTE Pomerol 2009 Score: 95-98
Such wonderful clarity to this wine, with violets, black and exotic fruits. Fabulous nose. Full-bodied, with superfine tannins and a silky, silky finish. Such beauty. Really stunning. Class. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR-PÉTRUS Pomerol 2009 Score: 95-98
Licorice, blackberry, coffee bean and blueberry aromas; this gets more complex with every sniff. And what a palate. It's so polished, soft and cuddly. Like curling up in a big cashmere blanket. Full-bodied, yet balanced and fresh. Lots of tannins. But all in harmony. Hidden giant here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PROVIDENCE Pomerol 2009 Score: 95-98
Offers fabulous aromas of crushed blackberry and blueberry, with lightly roasted coffee bean and black olive. Full-bodied, delivering polished, chewy tannins and a long, juicy finish. Rich and powerful. Blockbuster. Roasted fruit on this. Best ever from here? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE BON-PASTEUR Pomerol 2009 Score: 93-96
Full and long, supervelvety and rich, with plum and raspberry. This is a really big Le Bon Pasteur. —J.S.

CLOS L'ÉGLISE Pomerol 2009 Score: 93-96
Gorgeous blueberry and blackberry aromas, with toasted oak. Complex and pretty. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a long flavorful finish. Very polished. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE GAY Pomerol 2009 Score: 93-96
Blueberry, sea shell and blackberry aromas. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins, yet polished and cool, with a long, racy finish. Dense, with a solid core of everything. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HOSANNA Pomerol 2009 Score: 93-96
Offers ripe plum, with hints of peach, turning to violet and black olive on the nose. Fascinating aromas. Full-bodied, featuring chewy tannins that turn polished and silky. Long and flavorful at the finish. Refined power. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LATOUR À POMEROL Pomerol 2009 Score: 93-96
Blueberry, with mineral and dried rose petal, lead to a full body, with chewy, yet polished tannins that go on for minutes. Solid and very pretty. Grows on the palate. Best in years. Very serious indeed. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU NENIN Pomerol 2009 Score: 93-96
What a nose of raspberry jam and violets. Amazingly rich and ripe, yet balanced and elegant. Full-bodied, with layers of ripe tannins and wonderfully ripe fruit. Opulent and sexy. Best since the 1950s? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TOUR MAILLET Pomerol 2009 Score: 93-96
There's a deep well of dark fruit on the nose, with crushed blackberry and hints of dark chocolate. Subtle and rich. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a long, long finish. Tight and powerful. Excellent length to this. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FEYTIT-CLINET Pomerol 2009 Score: 92-95
Blackberry and licorice, with spices. Tar. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a round and beautiful finish. So silky and beautiful. Lovely texture. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GAZIN Pomerol 2009 Score: 92-95
Blackberry and light tar aromas follow through to a full body, with soft and velvety tannins and a fruity finish. Delicate in a rich way. —J.S.

PENSÉES DE LAFLEUR Pomerol 2009 Score: 92-95
Dark chocolate, black cherry and blackberry. Full-bodied, with very silky tannins and lots of chocolate and berry flavors. I love the length to this; it goes on for minutes. Second wine of Lafleur. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PETIT-VILLAGE Pomerol 2009 Score: 92-95
This is sexy, with beautiful ripe fruit and spices. Full bodied, with focused fruit and a long finish. Racy. So focused. Class. Best ever? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA POINTE Pomerol 2009 Score: 92-95
Violets, berries and black olive on the nose. Gorgeous. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, juicy finish. Lovely fruit and acidity to this wine. One of the best La Pointes for a long time. —J.S.

ROMULUS Pomerol 2009 Score: 92-95
Blueberry, with hints of tropical fruit on the nose. Full-bodied, with a rich and concentrated palate, yet balanced and focused. Serious stuff. This is a selection of the best from La Croix Taillefer. Tiny production and superhip. Organic. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VIEUX-MAILLET Pomerol 2009 Score: 92-95
Extremely dark in color, with powerful aromas of blackberry and tar. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, rich finish. Intense and layered. Very well done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ROUGET Pomerol 2009 Score: 91-94
Blueberry and mineral on the nose. Full-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a fruity, vanilla and berry finish. Long. Superpolished and pretty. —J.S.

BLASON DE L'EVANGILE Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Perfumed with lovely fruit here. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a long finish. So pretty and yummy. 76 percent Merlot and 24 percent Cabernet Franc. The second wine of L'Evangile. Has more Cabernet Franc this year due to new vines coming into production. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BOURGNEUF Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Displays crushed Merlot grapes on the nose, and lovely pure, grapey fruit character. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and lots of fruit. A little one-dimensional, but I really appreciate the concentration. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CERTAN DE MAY Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
I love the dark fruit and underlying aromas of fresh herbs and dried flowers. Full-bodied, with a lovely silky texture and a clean, fresh, fruity and delicate finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX DU CASSE Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Delicious berry, milk chocolate character on the nose and palate. Medium- to full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. I like how it is held back and in a more reserved style. 93 percent Merlot and 7 percent Cabernet. Borie Manoux took it over in 2005. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX ST.-GEORGES Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Black olive on the nose, with flowers and fruit. Full-bodied, with fine tannins and a racy finish. There's plenty of subtle fruit and a dark chocolate finish. Firm and silky. 80 percent Merlot and 20 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX TAILLEFER Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
This is beautiful, with sweet and ripe fruit and balance. Seduces with its subtlety. Full-bodied, but balanced. Such real fruit here. Yummy. Organic. —J.S.

DUO DE CONSEILLANTE Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Gorgeous blackberry and milk chocolate on the nose follow through to a medium body, with ultrafine tannins and a pretty finish of ripe fruit and toasted oak. All in balance. Second wine of Conseillante. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR DE GAY Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Plum and dark berries, with coffee. Full-bodied and very extracted. Big and powerful. May be a little overdone, but let's see. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FRANC-MAILLET Pomerol Cuvée Jean Baptiste 2009 Score: 90-93
Lots of toasty oak and coffee bean character, with licorice and tar on the nose. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins, slightly overextracted, but the fruit comes out at the end. Very rich. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GOMBAUDE-GUILLOT Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
Impressive aromas of black olive and ripe berry follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a long, fruity finish. All there. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA VIOLETTE Pomerol 2009 Score: 90-93
A little more floral than the Le Gay, with intense fruit, yet held back. Full-bodied, with lots of chewy tannins and a powerful palate. A blockbuster style. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BONALGUE Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Blueberry and licorice aromas, with hints of violet. Full-bodied, with a pretty core of fruit and milk chocolate and a finely textured finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CABANNE Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Berry, with hints of fresh herbs. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. Chocolate and light vanilla too. —J.S.

CLOS DE LA VIEILLE ÉGLISE Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Berry and dark chocolate aromas. Medium-bodied, with velvety tannins and a fruity finish. Polished and velvety. —J.S.

LE CLOS DU BEAU-PÈRE Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Intense aromas of black licorice and blueberry, with fresh violet. Full-bodied, with supervelvety tannins and a medium finish. There's lovely mouthfeel to this. Needs a little more at the finish to be clearly outstanding. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX-DE-GAY Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Mineral, blueberry and wet earth aromas follow through to a full body, with pretty, velvety tannins and a long coffee, chocolate, vanilla and fruit aftertaste. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DU DOMAINE DE L'ÉGLISE Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Floral and aromatic, with blackberry and raspberry. Full and silky, with very fine tannins and pretty fruit. Like the finesse and refinement. But then it grabs you. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA GRAVE À POMEROL Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
A firm and tight red, with berry, mineral and light cappuccino aromas and flavors. Medium- to full-bodied, with fine tannins that turn soft. Delicate finish. A little shy. —J.S.

MANOIR DE GAY Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Racy and fruity, with berry and mineral character and hints of flint. Medium- to full-bodied, with a solid tannin structure and a long finish. A serious second wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MAZEYRES Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Full and fruity, with berry and coffee bean character. Round and velvety. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONREGARD LA CROIX Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Very grapey, with fresh flowers and sandalwood on the nose. Full-bodied, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. Subtle and attractive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONTVIEL Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Rich and chocolaty, with berry character on the nose as well. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins. There's plenty of Pomerol character. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PLINCE Pomerol 2009 Score: 89-92
Aromas of boysenberry syrup with hint of licorice follow through to a full body, with a dense palate and slightly chewy tannins. Juicy wine, with a slightly rustic edge. But I like it. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BEAUREGARD Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
A little lean, but some good berry and sweet tobacco character, with a nice hint of new wood. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BEAU-SOLEIL Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
A reserved young red, with plum and berry aromas and flavors, a medium body and a silky finish. Straightforward. —J.S.

CLOS DU CLOCHER Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
A little lean for the vintage, but there's some attractive berry and cappuccino aromas and flavors, with a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'ENCLOS Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Pretty plum and blueberry aromas follow through to a full body, with a mineral and fruity character. Some mint and spearmint, too. Friendly L'Enclos. —J.S.

FUGUE DE NENIN Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Supergrapey and rich, with blackberry and mineral. Some licorice. Full-bodied, with juicy tannins and a pretty, grapey finish. Second wine of Nenin. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GUILLOT Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Grapey, with blueberry and vanilla aromas and flavors. Medium- to full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAFLEUR-GAZIN Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Perfumed and fruity on the nose, with medium body and firm tannins. The finish turns to ripe strawberries and raspberries. A little subdued. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LÉCUYER Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Crushed berry and licorice on the nose, with hints of fresh oak. Full-bodied, with medium chewy tannins and a polished, velvety mouthfeel. —J.S.

LA PETITE ÉGLISE Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Medium-bodied, with silky tannins and a fresh finish. There's plenty of sweet fruit in this second wine. 100 percent Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE VALOIS Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Mineral and black olive aromas. Full-bodied, with sweet and silky tannins and a medium finish. Lacks a little concentration for the vintage, but yummy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VRAY-CROIX-DE-GAY Pomerol 2009 Score: 88-91
Sweet plum and dried fruits on the nose. Medium-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a medium finish. Delicious already. We will see if it fills in the center palate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELLEGRAVE Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
Berry, with hints of fresh herbs and vanilla. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a fruity yet lean finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GUILLOT-CLAUZEL Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
Citrus and blackberry follow through to a medium body, with firm tannins and a chewy finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-MAILLET Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
A little lean, but shows attractive berry and mineral aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MOULINET Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
Blueberry and floral aromas follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. A little hollow, but clean and pretty. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TAILLEFER Pomerol 2009 Score: 87-90
Some berry and mineral aromas and flavors follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a medium finish. A little short. —J.S.

DOMAINE FAYAT-THUNEVIN Pomerol 2009 Score: 86-89
Chewy and funky, but with some good ripe fruit. Medium- to full-bodied, with medium tannins and a chewy finish. —J.S.

Premières Côtes de Bordeaux

CHÂTEAU CARIGNAN Premières Côtes de Bordeaux Prima 2009 Score: 89-92
Black olive and berry aromas follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a long finish. I like the fruit concentration in this wine. 100 percent Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CLOS CHAUMONT Premières Côtes de Bordeaux 2009 Score: 87-90
Clean and fruity, with plums and hints of vanilla bean. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CARIGNAN Premières Côtes de Bordeaux 2009 Score: 86-89
Berry and floral aromas follow through to a medium body. Fresh and friendly. Chewy, yet balanced. Slightly hollow midpalate, but right. 70 percent Merlot, 20 percent Cabernet Franc and 10 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU REYNON Premières Côtes de Bordeaux 2009 Score: 86-89
Crushed berry, with blueberry jam aromas. Full and velvety, with soft-textured tannins and a good finish. A little hollow, but well done for the appellation. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONT-PÉRAT Premières Côtes de Bordeaux 2009 Score: 81-84
Cooked fruit character on the nose. Green as well. Full-bodied and jammy. Hard to get excited about this. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA GRANGE CLINET Premières Côtes de Bordeaux 2009 Score: 78-81
This is rather light and watery. Hard to get excited about. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU AUSONE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 97-100
Such a dreamy, perfumed aroma to this wine. Full-bodied, but wonderfully polished and integrated. It touches every millimeter of your palate and the texture makes you want to cry. It touches your soul. Goes on for minutes. Another perfect red? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FIGEAC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 97-100
Really fabulous on the nose, with sweet milk chocolate, flowers, currant and plum. Full-bodied, with incredible length. The tannins are so silky, but they are warm and cuddly. You just want to hug it. Powerful but so attractive. The blend is one third each of Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CHEVAL-BLANC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 96-99
I have never smelled a Cheval like this, with red fruit and an undertone of seashell, lilac and sandalwood that makes you dream, turning to chocolate. Full-bodied, but tight and precise with a laser-guided finish of ultrafine tannins. Superlong. 60 percent Merlot and 40 percent Cabernet Franc. This is like the 1990 but superclean. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PAVIE-MACQUIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 96-99
Superfocused and beautiful, like looking at Mont Blanc with a clear sky and a blanket of snow. Full and refined, with gorgeous fruit and wonderful refinement. Silky tannins. Clearly the best ever. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PÉBY-FAUGÈRES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 96-99
An incredible nose of reduced dark fruits, with blackberry, dark chocolate and loads of cherry. Full-bodied, with supervelvety tannins. Goes on and on. Racy and fast. Amazing. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELLEVUE-MONDOTTE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 95-98
Breathtaking aromas of crushed blackberries, dark chocolate and cassis. Full-bodied, with big and velvety tannins and intense fruit. Long finish. Massive. But polished and very balanced. Could prove to be the best of the Perse wines in 2009. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CANON St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 95-98
What a gorgeous nose, with sweet and delicate fruits such as sliced plums that turn to milk chocolate and flowers. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a long, long finish. You want to drink this right away. 75 percent Merlot and 25 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

CHAPELLE D'AUSONE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 95-98
Delivers blueberry and blackberry aromas, with hints of dark chocolate. Full-bodied, featuring chewy, rich tannins and a beautiful velvety texture. This is superb. Really structured. —J.S.

LA MONDOTTE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 95-98
Black olive, green olive and coffee bean. Ripe fruit too. Full-bodied, with velvety and polished tannins and fabulous fruit. Love the texture and depth of fruit to this wine. So long too. Tangy freshness at the end. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PAVIE-DECESSE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 95-98
Tar and blackberry on the nose, with hints of licorice. Full-bodied and very concentrated, with loads of blackberry fruit. Massive. But slightly less extracted than the Pavie. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ANGÉLUS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 94-97
Concentrated aromas of boysenberry and raspberry jam. Full-bodied and powerful, with beautiful fruit-coated tannins and a long, spicy, rich aftertaste. All there for a top vintage from Angélus. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CANON-LA GAFFELIÈRE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 94-97
The Cabernet Franc really comes out here, with roasted berry, coffee bean and citrus following through to blackberry. Full-bodied, with fabulous concentration of fruit and supersoft tannins, a long, long finish. This is so juicy and wonderful. No dry tannins here. —J.S.

CLOS FOURTET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 94-97
Offers blueberry, currant, mineral and violet. Full-bodied, with big, juicy tannins and loads of fruit. Very concentrated and velvety, with a lovely texture. —J.S.

LUCIA St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 94-97
Violets and dark berries, with loads of aromas. Full-bodied, with a gorgeous core of sweet and ripe fruit. Long and dense, yet stylish. 10 acres. Next to Clos Fortet. 90 percent Merlot and 10 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PAVIE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 94-97
Blackberry, black cherry, licorice and mineral. Full-bodied, with a big core of velvety tannins and rich fruit. Full throttle, and all there. Really massive. Blockbuster and more. Could be a tad overdone. But we will see in bottle. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ROL VALENTIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 94-97
Licorice and tar, with hints of ripe berry. Full-bodied, with a solid core of ripe fruit and dense tannins. Yet it's all in near-perfect harmony. This has a new owner and it's even better. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TROPLONG-MONDOT St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 94-97
Intense aromas of blackberry and blueberry follow through to a full body, with well-integrated tannins and a fruity finish. Offers lots of licorice and spice. There's lovely length to this. Reserved and pretty. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BEAU-SÉJOUR BÉCOT St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 93-96
Blueberry, licorice and floral aromas follow through to a full body, with a beautiful core of fruit and a long, fine finish. Layered and gorgeous. —J.S.

Offers floral and licorice notes, with gorgeous fruit. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a beautiful, very long finish. Very fine and racy. Really serious. Stéphane Derenoncourt is now consulting here and I expect great things. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BERLIQUET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 93-96
Offers precision and beauty, with floral, blackberry and violet aromas. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a long, balanced finish. Caressing and loving. Then hits you. A new wine from the same team of Larcis-Ducasse. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA DOMINIQUE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 93-96
Sweet berry and plum, with wild cherry. Full and velvety. Long finish. Clear and focused fruit. Best in years? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GODEAU St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 93-96
Fab nose. Licorice and dark cherries. What a palate. Full body, with super silky tannins and a long, long finish. Seductive juice, polished and gorgeous. This is next to Tertre Roteboeuf. 95 Merlot, 5 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

LOUIS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 93-96
Very seductive, with wild fruits and flowers. Full-bodied, with superintegrated tannins and a long, long finish. The tannins are all there and just right. Superracy. 80 percent Merlot and 20 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

MAGREZ FOMBRAUGE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 93-96
A blockbuster, with loads of concentrated fruit and coffee bean and toasty oak on the nose. Full-bodied, with velvety, chewy tannins and a long finish. Big and powerful. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE PRIEURÉ St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 93-96
This is compelling on the nose, with crushed blackberry and flowers and loads of fruit. Full-bodied, with soft, silky tannins and a long, rich, yet balanced finish. Next to Trottevieille. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VALANDRAUD St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 93-96
What a nose to this young red, showing crushed blueberry and blackberry, with black licorice as well. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a racy and beautiful finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CANTENAC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Blueberry and mineral on the nose, with hints of fresh flowers. Full and layered, with superpolished tannins and a long finish. Solid as a rock. —J.S.

CLOS DE L'ORATOIRE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Loads of aniseed and black licorice aromas. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a lovely balance of fruit, and everything else. Love the length. 90 percent Merlot and 10 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

CLOS DE SARPE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
I like the intense and concentrated nose of ripe berry in this young red. Full-bodied, dense and juicy, with round, rich tannins and a long finish. —J.S.

CLOS ST.-JULIEN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
A juicy, full bodied red, with fine tannins and classy style. Half Cabernet Franc, half Merlot; a beautiful wine from old Merlot and Cabernet Franc. A tiny vineyard. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CROIX FIGEAC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Blackberry with licorice and black olive on the nose. Full-bodied, with lots of richness. Very concentrated, but I think it will come around just right. 80 percent Merlot, 20 percent Cabernet. This is really full throttle. Rock and roll. —J.S.

LE DÔME St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Mineral and sandalwood, with ripe blackberry on the nose. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and an attractive combination of toasted oak and fruit. Racy and polished. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FAUGÈRES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Blackberry, toasty oak, coffee bean and dark chocolate. Full-bodied and very chewy, with masses of tannins that are a little aggressive. But should come around nicely. Very chewy. Ultraconcentrated. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR MORANGE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Blueberry and intense flowers. Massive nose. Full bodied yet reserved, with silky tannins and a fruity and refined finish. Seamless.From 100-year-old vines. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FLEUR-CARDINALE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Intense concentration of black chocolate and berry. Full-bodied, with loads of fruit and velvety tannins. The finish is long and juicy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA GAFFELIÈRE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Racy and beautiful, with blueberry and blackberry aromas and flavors. Solid core of everything. Impressive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRACIA St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Offers licorice and light toasty oak, with plenty of ripe fruit. Full-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a beautiful finish. Polished and integrated. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LARCIS-DUCASSE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Gorgeous, juicy fruit, with light wood, full and velvety tannins, and loads of Indian spices. Though there's lots going on, I was expecting a little more. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LARMANDE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Blackberry and sweet tobacco on the nose follow through to a full body, with soft and silky tannins and a very pretty finish. Balanced and refined. Nicely done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAROQUE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Mineral and blackberry aromas, with dried flowers and sandalwood. Full-bodied, with supersilky tannins and a long, long finish. Polished and gorgeous. Fabulous. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PETIT-GRAVET-AINE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Focused, with blueberry and mineral. Full bodied, with a focused and polished finish. Wonderful tannins. 70 percent Cabernet Franc with the rest in Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TERTRE DAUGAY St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Blackberry, black licorice and spices. What a nose. Full-bodied, with supervelvety tannins and a long, long finish. Wonderful texture. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VILLEMAURINE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 92-95
Blackberry, black chocolate and subtle spices on the nose. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a long, caressing finish. This is excellent terroir[n], and since 2007 the new owners have been putting it together. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'ARCHANGE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Black licorice and aniseed aromas follow through to a full body, with fine tannins and a pretty finish. Layered and delicious. Balanced. Could match, or better, the 2000. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BÉLAIR-MONANGE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Delivers intense blueberry and blackberry, with hints of dark chocolate. Medium- to full-bodied, showing firm, silky tannins and a long, flavorful finish. Precise fruit. Racy, ripe tannins. Formerly Belair, and much better quality. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELLEFONT-BELCIER St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Beautiful aromas of flowers, fresh herbs and dark fruits. Full-bodied, with lovely fruit, super well-integrated tannins and a polished, creamy-textured mouthfeel. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELLISLE MONDOTTE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Blackberry and black licorice on the nose, with hints of fresh herbs. Full and silky, with a solid core of fruit and tannins. Goes on beautifully. —J.S.

CLOS DES PRINCE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Sweet berry and currant on the nose turn to flowers. Solid core of fruit and superpolished tannins. Really fine. Really serious. Yummy. Vineyards next door to Monbousquet. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CONFESSION St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
This has a floral nose, with blueberry and mineral. Full-bodied, with superfine tannins and a long, gorgeous finish. Very subtle and complex. This is going in a much more refined style than before due to an increase in the Merlot. 66 percent Merlot, 32 percent Cabernet Franc and 2 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA COUSPAUDE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Blackberry and blueberry, with Indian spices. Full-bodied, with vanilla and berry fruit. Long and beautiful. Juicy and gorgeous. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Concentrated and ripe, with prune and tart aromas that follow through to a full body, with round tannins and a flavorful finish. Excellent effort here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FONPLÉGADE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Licorice and blackberry aromas. Very rich. Full-bodied, with soft and silky tannins. Long and gorgeous. Lovely balance and density to this. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA GOMERIE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
A more refined and pretty style from this producer, with plummy raspberry jam aromas and undertones of vanilla bean and cream. Full-bodied and refined, with silky, caressing tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT SIMARD St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Blueberry and mineral, with hints of flowers, lead to a full body, with velvety, rich tannins and a long, juicy finish. Beautiful. 70 percent Merlot and 30 percent Cabernet. This is made from the same team as Ausone. Made from 15 acres. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA MARZELLE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Blackberry and mineral aromas follow through to a full body, with soft and velvety tannins and a long finish. Lots of pretty new wood. Very well done. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA RÉVÉRENCE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Licorice and milk chocolate, with dark berry aromas and flavors. Full and velvety, with lovely fruit. Long and juicy. Very polished. —J.S.

SECRET DE CARDINALE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 91-94
Juicy and chewy, soft and pretty. Pure red licorice. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins. Yummy. Made from a 3-acre block of vines from Fleur Cardinale. —J.S.

LES ANGELOTS DE GRACIA St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry, licorice and sandalwood, with a solid core of fruit. Velvet and mineral. Lots going on. An impressive wine from tiny yields. 75 percent Merlot and 25 percent Cabernet Franc. —J.S.

LES ASTÉRIES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Floral and mineral aromas,with pretty dark fruits. Full-bodied, with a sleek and racy mouthfeel and a long, caressing finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CADET-BON St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Sweet berry and floral aromas follow through to a full body, with firm tannins and a bright finish. Licorice and berry. Focused and racy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CAP DE MOURLIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Tar and blackberry aromas follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a chewy finish. Interesting finish. Best from here in a long time. —J.S.

CAPET-GUILLIER St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Floral and blueberry aromas, with lots of violets. Full bodied, with supersilky tannins and a long, caressing finish. Tight and racy. Lots of wood at the end. Very close to Magrez-Fombrauge. —J.S.

CLOS DES JACOBINS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and flowers on the nose follow through to a full body, with a mineral, slate and dark berry undertone. Tar too. Long and silky. —J.S.

CLOS DUBREUIL St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Tar and blackberry aromas follow through to a full body, with soft and silky tannins and a long finish. Very pretty. —J.S.

CLOS LA MADELEINE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Sweet berry and coffee aromas follow through to a full body, with reserved yet silky tannins and a long and juicy finish. Balanced and refined. Dense. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CORBIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Mineral and berry character on the nose and palate. Full-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a long finish. Racy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DASSAULT St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and mineral aromas, with violets too. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a long, caressing finish. Balanced and attractive. —J.S.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Suckling part IV b

CHÂTEAU GRAND-MAYNE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry and floral aromas follow through to a full body, with silky tannins and a long finish. Stylish and polished. This is a more reserved style and I like it. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES GRAVIÈRES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Licorice, tar and blackberry on the nose. Full-bodied, with a solid core of fruit, silky tannins and a long finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-CORBIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Crushed berries with lovely flowers on the nose. Full-bodied, with chewy yet polished tannins and plenty of fruit. Excellent length. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU JEAN-FAURE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Floral and berry aromas, with hints of fresh flowers. Full-bodied, with a refined and silky tannin structure and a coffee and berry aftertaste. 55 percent Cabernet Franc and 45 percent Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAFORGE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Blackberry and dark chocolate aromas follow through to a full body, with supersilky tannins and a beautiful finish with just a hint of coffee. Best ever? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LASSÈGUE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Black licorice and tar aromas, with ripe blackberry fruit. Full-bodied, with a dense palate of berry and Indian spices. Slightly jammy, but should come around nicely. —J.S.

LYNSOLENCE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Blackberry and spice aromas, with hints of barley. Full-bodied, with layered tannins and lots of fruit. Dense and stylish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MOULIN-ST.-GEORGES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Offers blueberry and mineral on the nose. Full-bodied, with a tight tannin structure and juicy fruit. Bright acidity. Very lively. —J.S.

LE PETIT CHEVAL St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Delivers plum and spices on the nose, with hints of coffee and black licorice. Full-bodied, offering a wonderful silky texture and a long, long finish. So inviting and delicious already. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PIPEAU St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Coffee and grilled meat on the nose, with ripe fruit. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins, a solid core of fruit and a fruity finish. Pretty already. —J.S.

SAINTAYME St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
I love the dark fruits in this, with loads of black olive and red fruits too. Full-bodied, but so refined and delicious already. Lovely length. 100 percent Merlot. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA SERRE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Blueberry, blackberry and mineral aromas follow through to a full body, with fine tannins and a juicy, chocolate finish, turning velvety and beautiful. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ST.-HUBERT St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
A round and fruity red, with lots of dark berry and vanilla aromas and flavors. Full, velvety and pretty. Just like the 2005, but even juicier. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TAUZINAT L'HERMITAGE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
So perfumed and pretty on the nose, with flowers and sweet berry. Full-bodied, with a silky texture, fine tannins and a balance of attractive fruit. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TROTTEVIEILLE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
A solid red with spice, raspberry and coffee bean character on the nose and palate. Full and chewy, but silky and delicious. Much less production because of the hail in May, but they did well. —J.S.

VIEUX CHÂTEAU MAZERAT St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Very grapey on the nose, with mineral and spearmint too. Black licorice. Full and velvety. Chewy. Lots going on. —J.S.

VIRGINIE DE VALANDRAUD St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 90-93
Intense aromas of mineral, toasty oak and dried flowers, with cool and dark fruits. Full-bodied, with a lovely silky texture and a racy, fine finish. Serious for the second wine of Valandraud. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ABELYCE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Blueberry and floral aromas follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a long finish. A structured, rich St.-Emilion. Impressive for this estate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ADAUGUSTA St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Pretty and balanced red, with sweet berries and citrus underneath. Medium- to full-bodied, with fine tannins and a fresh finish. A new wine for me. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'ARROSÉE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Silky and very pretty with cedar and chocolate aromas and flavors. Medium- to full-bodied, with fine tannins and a clean finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BARDE-HAUT St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Love the blueberry and mineral character in this young wine. Full-bodied, with silk tannins and a fruity, chocolate and light vanilla cream aftertaste. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE CANDALE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Blackberry, with licorice and mint on the nose. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, flavorful finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CANTENAC St.-Emilion Climat 2009 Score: 89-92
A balanced and pretty red, with silky tannins and blueberry character. Medium- to full-bodied, with a clean finish. I like the normal Cantenac better. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CHAUVIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Blueberry and mineral aromas, with hints of flowers. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a berry and lightly toasted oak aftertaste. —J.S.

CLOS ST.-MARTIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Green coffee bean, berry and fresh herbs on the nose. Full and chewy, with tobacco and berry character. A little overextracted, but should come around nicely with barrel age. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA CLOTTE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Tar and blueberry aromas, with a wet earth undertone. Full-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a medium chewy finish. A little loosely knit now, but should come together nicely. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'ÉVÊCHÉ St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Offers blackberry and mineral aromas, with dried flowers. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and lots of fruit and new wood on the finish. But not too much. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR MORANGE St.-Emilion Mathilde 2009 Score: 89-92
Bright and fruity, with a full body and silky tannins. This is always bottled young. The first vintage was 2004. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FONROQUE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
A balanced and pretty young red, with plum, berry and light vanilla aromas and flavors. Full-bodied, yet harmonious and silky. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRAND DESTIEU St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Attractive blueberry and currant aromas follow through to a full body, with lots of new oak and soft, velvety tannins. Juicy and jammy. Slightly one-dimensional. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONBOUSQUET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Milk chocolate with bright berry character on the nose. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and gorgeous ripe fruit. Long and caressing. A little overripe. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PINDEFLEURS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Lots of new wood in this young wine, but the ripe fruit is underneath. Full and velvety. Flashy. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE PRESSAC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Intense aromas of tar and concentrated fruit, with plum and blackberry skin. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a pretty finish. Lacks a little midpalate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU QUINAULT-L'ENCLOS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Porty, with fresh herb and almond on the nose. Medium- to full-bodied, with fine tannins and a fruity, chocolate and tobacco aftertaste. A new and more refined style for Quinault. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU RIPEAU St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Blackberry and sweet tobacco aromas follow through to a full body, with chewy tannins and a juicy, delicious finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ROLLAND-MAILLET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Blueberry and spices, with hints of coffee bean. Medium- to full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a flavorful finish. Could use a little more concentration center palate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA TOUR DU PIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Soft and silky, with round and fine tannins. Medium- to full-bodied, with lovely texture and fresh acidity. Long and inviting. —J.S.

VIEUX-CHÂTEAU-ST.-ANDRE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 89-92
Blackberry and blueberry with just a whiff of flowers. Full-bodied, with superfine tannins and a lovely finish of sea shells, stones, and fruit. 80 percent Merlot and 20 percent Cabernet Franc. The Berrouet family, winemakers of Pétrus, are owners here. Good pedigree. The first vintage was 1979. 15 acres of vineyards. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'APOLLINE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Attractive and lively nose of blueberry and cherry follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ARMENS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
A grapey and layered red, with berry and light vanilla aromas and flavors. Full-bodied but reserved, with a lovely center palate of fruit and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DES BARDES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Fresh herbs, with crushed blackberries and coffee beans on the nose. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. Very well structured. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BELLEVUE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Lovely juicy and ripe fruit on the nose. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and lots of bright fruit. Fresh jam. Slightly hollow center palate at the moment, but should fill in nicely. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BERGAT St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry and mineral aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. This estate was hammered by hail in May. But the small production is very delicious. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA BIENFAISANCE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Silky and refined, with beautiful berry and licorice aromas. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a beautiful finish. Like it. —J.S.

LE CARILLON DE L'ANGÉLUS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Very chewy, with ripe dark fruits and a mineral, spicy character. Full and silky, with a medium finish. Second wine of L'Angélus. —J.S.

CLOS BADON-THUNEVIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
A pretty nose, showing mineral and blueberry aromas, with hints of tar. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins, a soft texture and a medium finish. —J.S.

CLOS DE LA CURE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Tar and berry aromas follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a medium finish. Slightly one-dimensional, but very good. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA COMMANDERIE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Dried flowers, with blueberry and blackberry on the nose and palate. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a slightly mouth-drying feel. A little overextracted. But stylish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CORMEIL FIGEAC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Black licorice and berry aromas follow through to a medium body, with well-integrated tannins and a silky finish. A little hollow. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CÔTES DE ROL St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Very floral on the nose, with blueberry. Medium-bodied, with a good core of fruit, polished tannins and a cool, minerally aftertaste. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DAUGAY St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Aromatic with blueberry character. Medium-bodied, with silky tannins and a juicy, fruity finish. Delicate. Very fine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FAURIE-DE-SOUCHARD St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Violets and berries, with hints of flowers on the nose. Medium- to full-bodied, with a solid core of tannins and a chewy finish. —J.S.

LE FER DE CHEVAL NOIR St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry and fresh mineral aromas follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FOMBRAUGE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Cool and racy, with floral and berry character. Medium-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a delicate vanilla and berry character. A friendly young wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE FONBEL St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Pretty Cabernet Franc aromas of crushed berries and some milk chocolate. Medium- to full-bodied, with soft and silky tannins. Long sweet fruit on the finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRAND CORBIN-DESPAGNE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry and raspberry aromas, with hints of flowers. Full-bodied, with silky tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES GRANDES MURAILLES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Sweet tobacco and berry aromas follow through to a medium body, with chocolate, vanilla and blueberry character. Pretty, but a little underwhelming. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GUADET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Love the berry and currant character here. Full-bodied, with soft tannins and a pretty finish. In harmony. Fruit and ripe tannins. Yes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAROZE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry and mineral aromas follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MAGDELAINE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry and floral aromas follow through to a full body, with racy tannins and a compacted berry and chocolate aftertaste. Expected a little more from this. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONDORION St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Fresh raspberry on the nose, with citrus undertones. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a vanilla, coffee and berry aftertaste. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MOULIN DU CADET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
A balanced and friendly young red, with plum and blackberry on the nose and palate. Medium finish. Balanced and attractive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PATRIS St.-Emilion Lafleur Patris 2009 Score: 88-91
Offers green coffee bean and berry notes, with dried flowers. Full-bodied and somewhat overly wooden and chewy. Turns a little dry. Wait and see. This is the first year for a special cuvée for Patris. Pure Merlot from three hectares. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PETIT-FAURIE-DE-SOUTARD St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Berry and mineral, with hints of new wood on the nose. Full-bodied, with medium chewy tannins and a fruity finish. Lacks a bit of complexity, but well made. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PIERRE DE LUNE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Mineral and floral aromas follow through to a medium body, with a fine finish. From the estate manager of Clos Fortet. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PLAISANCE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Grapey, with lots of ripe fruits and hints of mineral. Full-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and fine tannins. Medium finish. —J.S.

SANCTUS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Offers beautiful fruit, with berry and currant aromas that follow through to a medium body, with a solid core of fruit and a medium silky finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SANSONNET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Crushed blackberries and mineral on the nose follow through to a full body, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. Slightly hollow midpalate now, but should fill in with barrel aging. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SIMARD St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Aromas of earth, spices and meat follow through to a full body, with juicy fruit and bright acidity. Tangy and fruity. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA TOUR FIGEAC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry and cream pie aromas, yet subtle and aromatic. Medium- to full-bodied, with lovely integrated tannins and a long finish. Polished. —J.S.

TROIS ORIGINES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Sweet dark berries and flowers here. Aromatic. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a slightly chewy finish. A tad overdone. But lots of good fruit. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BALESTARD-LA-TONNELLE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Very pretty aromas of perfumed fruit and black cherry. Medium-bodied, with nice fruit, fine tannins and a delicate finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CANTIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry and mineral, with hints of fresh herbs. Medium-bodied, with a good core of ripe fruit and a silky finish. —J.S.

CLOS DES MENUTS St.-Emilion L'Excellence 2009 Score: 87-90
Licorice and currant on the nose. Medium-bodied, with good fruit and a simple finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CORBIN-MICHOTTE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Plum pie, vanilla and cappuccino aromas follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA COURONNE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry and citrus fruit on the nose. Full bodied, but slightly herbal, with berry and mineral character. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU COUTET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Soft and attractive, with berry and chocolate character. Medium-bodied, with a pleasant finish. Pretty young wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU EDMUS St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Lilac and dark berries on the nose. Medium-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a mineral, berry and currant aftertaste. A new wine to watch. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU FRANC LA ROSE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Some berry and mineral aromas. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins. A little short, but pretty fruit. —J.S.

Blueberry and violet on the nose. Medium-bodied, with good fruit, medium tannins and a touch of vanilla. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT GRAVET St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
An attractive wine, with blackberry and mineral aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied, with slightly chewy tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE JURAT St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry and blueberry galore on the nose. Medium- to full-bodied, with slightly overly chewy tannins but some good fruit underneath. We will see. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LUSSEAU St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet berry and floral aromas follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a fresh finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MILON St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet blackberry jam and coffee aromas follow through to a medium body, with velvety tannins and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ROCHEBELLE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Sweet berry, tar and spice aromas follow through to a medium body, with a slightly chewy mouthfeel and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TEYSSIER St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Licorice and blueberry aromas follow through to a medium body, with firm tannins and a linear finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TRIANON St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 87-90
Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a good amount of berry and vanilla character. Silky and fine. —J.S.

LE CARRÉ St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 86-89
Blackberry and sandalwood aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a light finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE FERRAND St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 86-89
Dark berry aromas, with hints of sliced plum. Medium-bodied, with ripe tannins and a fresh finish. A little hollow center palate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DES LAUDES St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 86-89
A little hollow but clean and attractive, with berry and light cream character. Medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BERNATEAU St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 85-88
Some herb and tart character on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a simple finish. —J.S.

CHEVAL NOIR St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 85-88
Sweet berry on the nose, with hints of dark cherry. Medium-bodied, with delicate tannins and a fresh finish. A little short. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MAGNAN-FIGEAC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 85-88
Tar and blueberry aromas follow through to a medium body, with good fruit and a silky finish. A little one-dimensional. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BOUTISSE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 84-87
Slightly stewed fruit, with hints of blackberry. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a slightly herbal finish. Hard to get excited about. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LEYDET-VALENTIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 84-87
A little hollow, but some good berry and mineral character. Medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ST.-GEORGES-CÔTE-PAVIE St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 84-87
Offers slightly cooked fruit, with an old jam undertone. Medium-bodied, with round tannins and a simple finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU YON-FIGEAC St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 82-85
Rich and round, with good fruit, but a little vegetal in character. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PALATIN St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 79-82
A bit thin and papery, but with some decent fruit. Hard to get excited about this. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TOUR PEYRONNEAU St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 79-82
Plum and crushed berries on the nose. Medium-bodied, a little cloying. Hard to get excited about. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Suckling part V


CHÂTEAU COS-D'ESTOURNEL St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 97-100
This smells like Harlan a bit. Supercharged in fruit, with intense aromas of tar, spice, cardamon, clove, blackberry and black pepper. Crazy nose. Full-bodied, with masses of fruit, yet focused and in form. Chewy tannins, with great length. This goes on and on. Incredibly exotic. Could be best ever from here? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONTROSE St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 97-100
Big and structured, delivering wild aromas of Indian spices, crushed berry, sweet tobacco and coffee. Full-bodied, with loads of velvety, chewy tannins and a long spicy finish. The château says this is like the 1990, but I think it could be even better. It's certainly better made. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CALON-SÉGUR St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 93-96
Delivers gorgeous aromas of blackberry, blueberry and licorice, with hints of tobacco and spice. Full-bodied, offering a lovely texture and refinement. Very long and beautiful, with tangy acidity and lively fruit. A rich, yet very balanced, Calon. This is almost all Cabernet Sauvignon instead of the normal blend with 40 percent Merlot. The château is now using 100 percent new wood. Like the changes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LILIAN LADOUYS St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 92-95
Dark color, with a spiced nose of cloves and cardamom. Tar too. Full-bodied, with round and velvety tannins and a rich, fruity aftertaste. Gorgeous young wine. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MEYNEY St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 92-95
Spicy and beautiful with blackberry and currant character. Full and silky, with beautiful fruit and a long finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES ORMES-DE-PEZ St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 92-95
Superb concentration, with spice, currant and berry character. Full and velvety. So long. At same quality level as the legendary 1955, or 1959. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TOUR DES TERMES St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 92-95
Wow. Great nose of bright dark berries and currant, with Indian spices as well. Full-bodied, with round and chewy tannins, but polished and very pretty and enticing. Big juicy wine with balance. This small estate continues to make excellent wines in top vintages. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE CROCK St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 91-94
Blueberry and licorice aromas follow through to a full body, with a dense and powerful palate and a long, flavorful, velvet-textured finish. Very well done for this estate. From the owner of Léoville-Poyferré. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DOMEYNE St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 91-94
Full-bodied, with plenty of ripe fruit, toasted oak and spices. Long and caressing. A relatively new estate to watch. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BEAU-SITE St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 90-93
This is sweet and beautiful, with a lovely combination of ripe tannins and pretty fruit. Full-bodied, but balanced and long. But the second sip, it really grabs you. One to look for. 24 percent Merlot, 70 Cabernet Sauvignon, 3 percent Cabernet Franc and 3 percent Petit Verdot. —J.S.

LES PAGODES DE COS St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 90-93
Wow. Intense aromas of blackberry, toasted nuts and spices follow through to full body, with layers of fruit and wonderful length. Very, very impressive. For a second wine, this is quite the glassful. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PHÉLAN-SÉGUR St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 90-93
Deep aromas of crushed blackberries and fresh herbs. Full-bodied, with round and soft tannins and a polished texture on the finish. Rich and structured. Could be best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SERILHAN St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 90-93
Very spicy and rich on the nose. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins that turn round and soft. Lots of fruit, too. Yummy wine. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU L'ARGILUS DU ROI St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 89-92
Plum and blackberry, with hints of violets and licorice. Full-bodied, with a beautiful core of fruit and ripe, silky tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LE BOSCQ St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 89-92
Crushed blueberry on the nose, with cassis leaf and flowers. Full-bodied, with a lovely silky texture and a medium finish. Layered and attractive. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BEAUSÉJOUR St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 89-92
Blueberry and spices on the nose. Full-bodied, with a lovely density of fruit and silky tannins. Long and rich. Best wine ever from here? 60 percent Merlot and 40 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAFON-ROCHET St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 89-92
Currant and spices on the nose follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a medium finish. Solid structure. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TRONQUOY-LALANDE St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 89-92
Mineral, with raspberry and blueberry on the nose. Full and powerful, with a lovely ripe tannin structure and a long raspberry finish. Same owners as Montrose and same winemaker, Jean Delmas. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ANDRON-BLANQUET St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 88-91
Some berry and fresh herb aromas. Full and chewy, with slightly rustic tannins, but interesting in style. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU COS-LABORY St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 88-91
Very pretty aromas of sliced plums and blueberries, with hints of mineral, follow through to a medium body, with fine tannins and a fruity finish with hints of vanilla bean and coffee. —J.S.

LA DAME DE MONTROSE St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 88-91
Aromas of berries, currant and citrus fruit follow through to a full body, with firm and chewy tannins and a medium finish. A little hollow in the midpalate. Second wine of Montrose. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PICARD St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 88-91
Dark and rich on the nose, with intense berry and Indian spices. Full-bodied, with a solid core of fruit and a silky tannin structure. Balanced and polished. Best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU CLAUZET St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 87-90
Medium-bodied, with plenty of good berry, spice and cedar character. Medium tannins. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU VALROSE St.-Estèphe Cuvée Alienor 2009 Score: 87-90
Dark fruits, with mineral and violets and hints of mint. Medium-bodied, with polished tannins and a medium finish. A little hollow in the midpalate. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE PEZ St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 86-89
A straightforward wine with spicy fruit and a medium body. Medium finish. We will see. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA HAYE St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 85-88
Licorice and berry aromas follow through to a medium body, with chewy tannins that turn a little dry. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PETIT BOCQ St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 85-88
Berry and fresh herbs on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. Straightforward. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TRONQUOY DE ST.-ANNE St.-Estèphe 2009 Score: 85-88
Chocolate and berry character on the nose and palate. Medium-bodied, with a soft tannin structure and light finish. Second wine of Tronquoy. —J.S.


CHÂTEAU LÉOVILLE LAS CASES St.-Julien 2009 Score: 97-100
Black color. What a nose. Black licorice, raspberry, currant and dried flowers galore. Full-bodied and superpowerful, with masses of fruit and toasted oak, but a blockbuster finish of fruit, tannins and everything else. I have never tasted such a flashy sample. I am blown away by this. A more fruit-forward style for Las Cases. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DUCRU-BEAUCAILLOU St.-Julien 2009 Score: 96-99
This has an impressive powerful and hearty structure, with seductive floral, currant and licorice aromas and flavors, showing powerful tannins at the end. This sneaks up on you at the end. Structured and very, very powerful. The blockbuster tannins are sweet and fruit-coated. This is a classic, powerful style of Ducru. May be best yet. Wow. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRUAUD-LAROSE St.-Julien 2009 Score: 94-97
Beautiful aromas of currant, black licorice and blueberry follow through to a full body, with chewy tannins and a long, juicy finish. Big wine. Could be better than the classic 2000. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LÉOVILLE POYFERRÉ St.-Julien 2009 Score: 93-96
Wonderful aromas of currant and blackberry, with black olives. Full-bodied, with a mouth-coating palate of supersoft tannins that go on and on. Solid and polished. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BRANAIRE-DUCRU St.-Julien 2009 Score: 92-95
Aromas of blueberry, dried citrus fruit and currant. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a long, long finish. Structured and tannic, but sweet fruit behind. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LÉOVILLE BARTON St.-Julien 2009 Score: 92-95
Licorice, berry, grape and currant on the nose turns to crushed fruit. Full-bodied, with very fine tannins, pretty fruit, currant and mineral. A balanced and pretty wine. Not quite the intensity and blockbuster style of the 2005, but excellent. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU TALBOT St.-Julien 2009 Score: 92-95
A red with a solid core of blueberry and currant aromas, with spices too. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a balanced finish. Very pretty. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DU GLANA St.-Julien 2009 Score: 91-94
Loads of black currant and blueberry on the nose. Full-bodied, with caressing tannins and a long, flavorful finish. Lots going on here. Yet subtle. Best in a long time. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LAGRANGE St.-Julien 2009 Score: 91-94
Intense aromas of blackberry and smoke. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and long finish. Solid and tight. As it should be. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU ST.-PIERRE St.-Julien 2009 Score: 91-94
Sultanas and subtle spices on the nose. Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and excellent fruit concentration. Long and succulent. Stylish stuff. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BEYCHEVELLE St.-Julien 2009 Score: 90-93
Sweet berry and floral aromas, with a creamy undertone. Full-bodied, with a dense and polished palate, fine tannins and a long finish. Best since 2000? —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GLORIA St.-Julien 2009 Score: 90-93
Crushed blackberries and fresh herbs on the nose. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, rich finish. Solid core of everything here. Right up there with the 2005. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LANGOA BARTON St.-Julien 2009 Score: 90-93
Opulent blackberry aromas. Lovely jam, but fresh. Full-bodied and rich. This wine sneaks up on you and follows on the end with lots of chewy tannins. Balanced and round. —J.S.

CLOS DU MARQUIS St.-Julien 2009 Score: 89-92
Raspberry and wild currant on the nose. Full-bodied, with superfine tannins and a long, pretty finish. Plenty of currant and mineral character. Builds on the finish. Tannic. —J.S.

CROIX DE BEAUCAILLOU St.-Julien 2009 Score: 89-92
Rose, mineral, currant and berries on the nose. Full-bodied, with firm and chewy tannins and a long finish. Polished and pretty. Could use a little bit more in the center palate, but very good indeed. Second wine of Ducru. —J.S.

LE PETIT LION St.-Julien 2009 Score: 88-91
Currants on toasted bread character on the nose and palate. Medium- to full-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. Balanced and attractive. This is the new second wine from Las Cases. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LALANDE-BORIE St.-Julien 2009 Score: 87-90
Wonderful aromas of flowers such as roses. Full-bodied, with firm and precise tannins. Fresh fruit, with a citrus undertone. Medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MOULIN RICHE St.-Julien 2009 Score: 86-89
Aromatic, with raspberry and currant character that follows through to a medium body, with good fruit, firm tannins and a simple finish. Second wine of Léoville-Poyferré. —J.S.


LE DÉFI DE FONTENIL Vin de Table de France 2009 Score: 92-95
Full-bodied and chewy, with lots of new wood. Concentrated, but round and velvety. A selection of the old vines from Fontenil, covering a single hectare. —J.S.

LAROCHE DE BEAULIEAU Côtes de Bordeaux Aster 2009 Score: 91-94
A blockbuster wine for this appellation, with masses of fruit and velvety tannins, toasty oak and chocolate. 75 percent Merlot, 25 percent Cabernet Franc and 5 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GIGAULT Premières Côtes de Blaye Cuvée Viva 2009 Score: 90-93
Grapey, with lots of mineral and floral aromas that follow through to a full body, with well-integrated tannins and a juicy, fruity finish. Love the raspberries. Excellent as usual. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES GRANDS MARÉCHAUX Premières Côtes de Blaye 2009 Score: 89-92
Licorice and tar on the nose. Full-bodied, with a lovely core of fruit and silky tannins. Focused and clear. Could be best ever from here. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU BRANDA Puisseguin-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Licorice and blueberry aromas, with hints of mineral. Full-bodied, with good fruit and a vanilla and berry aftertaste. There's loads of new oak right now, but shows impressive concentration for the appellation. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT GRELA Premières Côtes de Blaye 2009 Score: 88-91
Blueberry jam, with black licorice on the nose. Full-bodied, with soft and velvety tannins and a fruity finish. Pretty. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MARSAU Côtes de Francs 2009 Score: 88-91
Rich and spicy, with wet earth, berry and currant notes. Full and chewy. A little rustic, but interesting. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU SOLEIL Puisseguin-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 88-91
Coffee and dried fruits that turn to prune on the nose. Full-bodied, with loads of tannins that are a little overextracted. But should come out very good. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU DE FRANCS Côtes de Francs Les Cerisiers 2009 Score: 87-90
Spicy, with asphalt and ripe fruit aromas and flavors. Medium- to full-bodied, with medium chewy tannins and a clean finish. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HOSTENS-PICANT Ste.-Foy-Bordeaux Cuvée d'Exception Luscullus 2009 Score: 87-90
Subtle sliced plum and dark chocolate. Medium body. Chewy. Medium finish. Good density of fruit and tannins. Lots of new wood, but stuff underneath. We will see. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MONTFOLLET Blaye 2009 Score: 87-90
Blackberry and mineral aromas follow through to a full body, with velvety tannins and a medium finish. Very good concentration. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LA PRADE Côtes de Francs 2009 Score: 87-90
Fresh plum and berry aromas follow through to a medium body, with a good density of fruit and a medium finish. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU PUYGUERAUD Côtes de Francs 2009 Score: 87-90
Mineral and blackberry skins aromas follow through to a full body, with mineral and spice flavors and a long finish. Yummy despite a tough growing season due to hail. Little dry. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HAUT-BERNAT Puisseguin-St.-Emilion 2009 Score: 86-89
Lovely sweet fruit, with flowers and slate on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a medium finish. A little hollow. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU HOSTENS-PICANT Ste.-Foy-Bordeaux 2009 Score: 86-89
I like the soft tannins and sweet fruit to this wine. Full and round, with plum and berry character. Subtle. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU GRAULET Côtes de Bordeaux 2009 Score: 85-88
Aromas of blackberry and sweet tobacco follow to a medium body, with medium tannins and a medium finish. Plenty of wood there. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU MOUCHET Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Cuvée Fernand Ginestet 2009 Score: 85-88
Tar and stewed fruit on the nose. Medium-bodied, with fine tannins and a fruity finish. A little short. —J.S.

CHÂTEAU LES TOURS DE PEYRAT Premières Côtes de Blaye Vieilles Vignes 2009 Score: 85-88
Slightly stewed fruit but some attractive berry and vanilla character. Interesting concentration. —J.S.


SV: Bordeaux "En Primeur" 2009

Nu verkar det komma ut lite mer röda primörer hos handlarna.
Parker skall tydligen komma ut med sina omdömen idag så många väntar förmodligen med att släppa sina priser tilll efter det.
Noterade annars att Neal Martin, Jancis Robinson och Suckling har haft ganska stor spridning på sina omdömen på många viner.

Beställde i alla fall en låda Ch. Liliian-Ladouys (St Estèphe) igår samt en låda Ch. Lucia (St.Emilion).

Få se sedan vad det blir mer men Rieussec, de Fargues, Cos, Gruaud-Larose, Pontet-Canet och några andra finns på min lista.