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Parker säljer the Wine Advocate

Att Parker skulle sälja the Wine Advocate började ju som ett rykte för ett tag sedan men nu verkar det vara bekräftat. Rätt stora ändringar ska nu ske

* Mer fokus på Asien
* Reklam
* Utbildning
* Lisa Perrotti-Brown tar över som Editor-in-chief

Ägandet flyttar också till Asien.

Frågan är vad det här innebär? Kommer Parkers makt över priserna att försvinna eller förstärkas när nu delar av fokusen flyttas till Asien ... r-in-chief
Antonio Galloni- My tasting and traveling schedule remains unchanged. I have never been more energized about the future than I am right now

Antonio Galloni -It's business as usual. I am 100% committed to providing readers with the best commentary and service possible for the regions I cover.

Finns ju en del oro i leden om man måste gå ut med den typen av kommentarer.

Andreas L

SV: Parker säljer the Wine Advocate

Tror Parker redan har tapat sin makt - det finns ingen Parker längre, sedan många är det ett flertal provare, varav vissa har varit ytterst tvivelaktiga, andra riktigt bra, men med helt olika smak.
Enligt inoficiella rykten så är det Galloni som köpt the Wine Advocate redan, men, i alla fall spännande att se vad som sker.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Parker säljer the Wine Advocate

Från the Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Parker intends to phase out the print version of the newsletter, which he built over the past several decades into one of the most influential voices on wine. He also said he intends to step down as its editor in chief, turning over editorial oversight to his Singapore-based correspondent, Lisa Perrotti-Brown.
Finally, the fiercely independent publication—which Mr. Parker has often described as inspired by his hero, consumer advocate Ralph Nader—will start accepting advertising, though none that is wine-related.
The moves in part reflect Asia's rise as a prime consumer of wine and other luxury goods. Mr. Parker said he is selling a "substantial interest" in the Wine Advocate to a trio of Singapore-based investors who will take over its day-to-day financial operations.
The company's headquarters, an office just down the driveway from Mr. Parker's home in Maryland farm country, is also moving to Singapore.
Although it is a niche publication, with only about 50,000 subscribers paying $75 a year for six issues, a perfect 100-point score from Mr. Parker's newsletter can make a winemaker's reputation and fortune.
Mr. Parker has almost single-handedly created markets for wines that once were overlooked, or even scorned. Chateauneuf du Pape in the southern Rhone Valley of France is just one example of a wine region he helped to transform from unheralded to world class. Today's high prices for first-growth Bordeaux are another development attributed to Mr. Parker's critical clout and scores.
Although the 65-year-old Mr. Parker has had offers in the past, he said the time was ripe for a change. "The Asian market has come of age in the last decade or so, and it would be unrealistic not to expect to be part of it," he said. He declined to name his new investors but described them as "young visionaries" in the financial-services and IT fields who had presented him with a plan he couldn't refuse. "They love wine, but they also saw a great business opportunity," said Mr. Parker, who will become chairman of the new company and will continue to review the wines of Bordeaux and the Rhone for the newsletter.
Mr. Parker said the print version might disappear before the end of 2013, and that he would offer incentives to print subscribers to make the change to an online-only format.
"Maybe we will offer them Kindles," he said.
More than four out of five Wine Advocate subscribers are American, but the new investors are planning an abbreviated Southeast Asian edition aimed at corporate clients like airlines and luxury hotels.
The newsletter also will put more emphasis Asia's nascent wine industry. Ms. Perrotti-Brown plans to hire a new correspondent likely to be based in China.
"The correspondent will cover wines produced in China, Thailand and other Asian countries," she said, and will help to produce tasting events, another focus of the new Wine Advocate.
Ms. Perrotti-Brown will continue to review wines from Australia and New Zealand "in the short term," and is planning to add more reviews overall, including a new section on so-called "icon wines," the greatest wines produced in key regions around the world.
But accepting advertising, which it has long refused to do to safeguard its independence, may be the Wine Advocate's greatest change.
"We envisage eventually allowing some advertising, but only from sponsors where there is absolutely no conflict of interest," said Ms. Perrotti-Brown. A luxury watch or a credit card would be an acceptable, for example, but no winery or wine-related business will be allowed to advertise.
There will be changes in the Wine Advocate's staff as well; most of its wine correspondents will become full-time employees, instead of independent contractors. "We want to have more control over the reviews," said Ms. Perrotti-Brown, "And all events will be cleared by us too," she added, alluding to an incident in which Jay Miller, who covered the wines of Spain and the Pacific Northwest for the newsletter, stepped down last year amid accusations that one of his contacts had accepted payments from wineries. Dr. Miller has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing.
Ms. Perrotti-Brown said the company is discussing terms with its correspondents, who include lead critic Antonio Galloni, as well as David Schildknecht, Mark Squires and Neal Martin, whom she and Mr. Parker hope will sign on as employees. If they decline? "There is a plethora of good wine writers out there. It's a buyer's market," she said.

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Parker säljer the Wine Advocate

Och antagligen en variant av samma artikel fast på grodiska.

L'Américain Robert Parker va cesser la parution dans sa version papier du Wine Advocate, bulletin d'information devenue la bible du vin, et déménager son siège à Singapour, a-t-il indiqué dans une interview au Wall Street Journal de mardi.
L'Américain Robert Parker va cesser la parution dans sa version papier du Wine Advocate, bulletin d'information devenue la bible du vin, et déménager son siège à Singapour, a-t-il indiqué dans une interview au Wall Street Journal de mardi.
Parker a indiqué au quotidien qu'il avait l'intention de quitter son poste de rédacteur en chef du Wine Advocate, pour passer la main à sa correspondante à Singapour, Lisa Perrotti-Brown. M. Parker prendra la présidence de la nouvelle société appelée à chapeauter les activités de la lettre d'information qui sera uniquement accessible sur l'internet, probablement à partir de la fin 2013.
Le déménagement du siège des Etats-Unis vers la cité-Etat asiatique résulte du rachat par des investisseurs singapouriens d'une part importante dans le Wine Advocate, a-t-il expliqué sans plus de précisions.
Cette décision fait suite au formidable boom de la consommation du vin en Asie, appelée à fournir plus de la moitié de la croissance du secteur dans les trois ans à venir.
"Le marché asiatique a atteint sa maturité dans les dix dernières années et il ne serait pas réaliste de ne pas participer au mouvement", a expliqué M. Parker au journal, qui continuera à écrire dans le Wine Advocate, notant sur les Bordeaux et Rhône.
La nouvelle version du bulletin mettra un accent plus prononcé sur l'Asie, avec une édition abrégée spécifique à l'Asie du Sud-Est. Un correspondent sera embauché en Chine afin de couvrir l'émergence de la viniculture dans ce pays mais également en "Thaïlande et dans d'autres pays", a précisé Mme Perrotti-Brown au Wall Street Journal.
La Chine est récemment devenue le cinquième consommateur de vin au monde, remplaçant le Royaume-Uni.
Le bulletin d'information bimestriel n'a qu'environ 50.000 abonnés mais ses notations font et défont les crus, grands ou petits.
SV: Parker säljer the Wine Advocate

Ms. Perrotti-Brown said the company is discussing terms with its correspondents, who include lead critic Antonio Galloni, as well as David Schildknecht, Mark Squires and Neal Martin, whom she and Mr. Parker hope will sign on as employees. If they decline? "There is a plethora of good wine writers out there. It's a buyer's market," she said.

Någon som tipsat dem om Mölstad, Kronstam och Larsson?


SV: Parker säljer the Wine Advocate

Anders Landström skrev:
Någon som tipsat dem om Mölstad, Kronstam och Larsson?
BGK var ju och konsultade där lite för några år sedan (ihop med Gary Vaynerchuck) när Bobban var inne på att förnya lite.
Förslaget från BGK då var att ta in annonsörer och slopa det opersonliga intetsägande poängsystem.
BGK tyckte också att WA borde införa ett symbolsystem för kvalitet bestående av 1-5 Maryland cookies och en prisvärdhetsskala typ denna:
- Good bang for the buck
- Bargain
- Super Bargain
- More than super bargain
- Mega cosmic mind bargain

Vi vet alla hur det slutade....


Mot bättre vetande
SV: Parker säljer the Wine Advocate

chambertin skrev:
BGK var ju och konsultade där lite för några år sedan (ihop med Gary Vaynerchuck) när Bobban var inne på att förnya lite.
Förslaget från BGK då var att ta in annonsörer och slopa det opersonliga intetsägande poängsystem.
BGK tyckte också att WA borde införa ett symbolsystem för kvalitet bestående av 1-5 Maryland cookies och en prisvärdhetsskala typ denna:
- Good bang for the buck
- Bargain
- Super Bargain
- More than super bargain
- Mega cosmic mind bargain

Vi vet alla hur det slutade....
Årets roligaste