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  • Som flera kanske har märkt är sig inte sig likt rent utseendemässigt! En uppgradering av forumets mjukvara har genomförts och temat kommer successivt att uppdateras för att bättre matcha vår tidigare färgprofil! Eventuella buggar eller feedback tas tacksamt emot i den här forumtråden!

Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.


SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Ja, det där är helt vansinniga priser.
Finns inte att man betalar 50 000 för en Romanée Conti...
Jimmy Forsman

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Ja, de är fan inte riktigt friska på den där shoppen. Men de får ju prylarna sålda så... Good on them.


SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Krug88 skrev:
Ja, det där är helt vansinniga priser.
Finns inte att man betalar 50 000 för en Romanée Conti...

3675 pund dessutom för en 1965. En bedrövlig årgång i Bourgogne. Provade den 1994 när priserna var ungefär samma i kronor istället för pund, redan då var den stendöd, jolmig och karaktärslös och fick ofantligt med stryk av den 1976 jag provade den mot (en klart underskattad årgång där).
Jimmy Forsman

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Här kommer ett till sånt där roligt mail som trillar in i korgen då och då, jag säger roligt, för mannen skämtar uppenbarligen...

Tyvärr lite snett, men jag hoppas att ni kan lista ut hur man läser den i alla fall!

Priset är per butelj....


Mouton Rothschild 2004 180 12

Lafite Rothschild 2003 880 12
Latour 2003 880 6
Latour 2003 9500 1
Petrus 2003 9500 1

Yquem 2001 3000 2
Yquem 2001 6800 1

Gruaud Larose 2000 80 24
Haut-Brion 2000 2700 3
Haut-Brion 2000 6000 1
Lafleur 2000 1600 6
Latour 2000 1100 12
Leoville Barton 2000 120 6
Margaux 2000 1000 12
Mouton Rothschild 2000 3700 1
Yquem 2000 3200 1

Pavie 1999 150 6

Haut-Brion 1990 780 12
Le Pin 1990 7800 1
Lynch Bages 1990 200 12
Margaux 1990 1100 12
Petrus 1990 7800 1

Haut-Brion 1989 1350 24
Haut-Brion 1989 8000 1
Mission Haut-Brion 1989 900 12

Lafite Rothschild 1985 750 6
Pichon Baron 1985 70 12

Petrus 1983 780 6

Cheval Blanc 1982 990 24
Cheval Blanc 1982 2750 6
Ducru Beaucaillou 1982 200 12
Lafite Rothschild 1982 2200 7
Lynch Bages 1982 250 12
Margaux 1982 980 12
Margaux 1982 2750 1
Margaux 1982 20000 1
Mouton Rothschild 1982 1050 12
Mouton Rothschild 1982 2200 1
Mouton Rothschild 1982 7000 1
Talbot 1982 155 12
Petrus 1982 4200 12
Petrus 1982 9500 6

Lafleur 1975 3000 1
La Fleur Petrus 1975 105 107
Petrus 1975 1800 1

La Fleur Petrus 1970 105 23
Petrus 1970 2000 1

Yquem 1969 600 12

Petrus 1967 1200 1

Petrus 1966 3800 1

Lafleur 1961 6200 1
Latour 1961 3300 2
Latour 1961 3500 1
Margaux 1961 1000 3
Mission Haut-Brion 1961 1800 1
Mouton Rothschild 1961 2200 1
Mouton Rothschild 1961 1700 2
Petrus 1961 8500 1
Petrus 1961 19500 8
Yquem 1961 900 2

Cheval Blanc 1959 1100 6
Margaux 1959 800 3
Mission Haut-Brion 1959 1700 2
Mouton Rothschild 1959 1700 2
Petrus 1959 3500 1

Cheval Blanc 1958 650 2
Cheval Blanc 1958 1300 1
Mouton Rothschild 1958 1200 2

Mouton Rothschild 1955 1100 3

Mouton Rothschild 1954 1500 4
Petrus 1954 2200 1

Mouton Rothschild 1953 1700 4

Petrus 1952 1800 1

Cheval Blanc 1949 1000 1

Yquem 1948 1700 12

Cheval Blanc 1947 6700 1
Figeac 1947 1500 1
Figeac 1947 3500 1
Lafite Rothschild 1947 14000 1
Margaux 1947 1600 2
Mouton Rothschild 1947 3300 2
Petrus 1947 8500 1
Petrus 1947 8000 1
Petrus 1947 20000 4
Petrus 1947 19000 1
Yquem 1947 2200 2

Mouton Rothschild 1946 4500 1

Haut-Brion 1945 2800 1
Latour 1945 2200 2
Latour 1945 2000 3
Mouton Rothschild 1945 7000 3
Mouton Rothschild 1945 17500 2
Palmer 1945 2700 1
Trotanoy 1945 2000 1
Yquem 1945 2200 2

Latour 1937 900 3
Mouton Rothschild 1937 1200 1
Mouton Rothschild 1937 2800 1
Yquem 1937 3600 6

Petrus 1928 8500 1

Yquem 1921 7200 1
Yquem 1921 21000 1

Cheval Blanc 1900 4500 1
Latour 1900 4000 1
Petrus 1900 6500 1

Latour 1899 3000 1

Lafite Rothschild 1898 3600 1

Mouton Rothschild 1895 3800 1

Yquem 1893 6500 1

Mouton Rothschild 1892 3800 1

Yquem 1883 8500 1

Margaux 1877 3500 1

Mouton Rothschild 1873 6000 1

Margaux 1870 25000 1

Mouton Rothschild 1866 6000 1

Mouton Rothschild 1862 7500 1

Lafite Rothschild 1832 13000 2

Lafite Rothschild 1806 30000 1

Lafite Rothschild 1800 35000 1

Lafite Rothschild 1799 40000 1

Lafite Rothschild 1789 50000 1
Jimmy Forsman

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Eeeh, jag måste göra om den där listan senare, det framgår inte vilka storlekar det är på flaskorna, en del är stora flaskor.

Men det spelar ingen roll, priserna är sjuka i alla fall.


Epernay, Frankrike
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Vissa av priserna måste vara stora buteljer (prisvariationen mellan vinerna stämmer inte Latour 2003, 880 eller 9500!)

Lafite 2003 kostar 7000 Pund Net per case hos FARR, så 880 Euro verkar OK (om man jämför med FARR, om man tittar på kontot inte lika OK)

Tror jag betalade 586 SEK för Lafite 1986 hos SB ;D en gång i tiden.......

2002 Lafite gick på 670 Pund Net per case En primeur nu 2700 Pund!!!! (sorry Krug vet att du inte gillar!)

Det håller på att kosta ordentligt med deg att dricka bra viner, blir kul att se 2007 En Primeur priserna :eek:
Jimmy Forsman

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Lite mer info, så det kanske blir lite klarare.

Mouton Rothschild 2004 180 12 CBO DE 6 crd

Lafite Rothschild 2003 880 12 TOP
Latour 2003 880 6 TOP CRD
Latour 2003 9500 1 IMPERIAL
Petrus 2003 9500 1 DOUBLE MAGNUM

Yquem 2001 3000 2 DOUBLE MAGNUM
Yquem 2001 6800 1 IMPERIAL

Gruaud Larose 2000 80 24 TOP CRD
Haut-Brion 2000 2700 3 DOUBLE MAGNUM
Haut-Brion 2000 6000 1 IMPERIAL
Lafleur 2000 1600 6 PARFAITE
Latour 2000 1100 12 2 CBO de 6
Leoville Barton 2000 120 6 TOP CRD
Margaux 2000 1000 12 2 CBO de 6
Mouton Rothschild 2000 3700 1 DOUBLE MAGNUM
Yquem 2000 3200 1 DOUBLE MAGNUM

Pavie 1999 150 6 MAGNUM

Haut-Brion 1990 780 12 TOP
Le Pin 1990 7800 1 MAGNUM
Lynch Bages 1990 200 12 TOP
Margaux 1990 1100 12 TOP
Petrus 1990 7800 1 ETI TACHEE

Haut-Brion 1989 1350 24 TOP
Haut-Brion 1989 8000 1 DOUBLE MAG
Mission Haut-Brion 1989 900 12 TOP

Lafite Rothschild 1985 750 6 TOP CBO 6
Pichon Baron 1985 70 12 BELLE (1 blle ht ép )

Petrus 1983 780 6 BELLE

Cheval Blanc 1982 990 24 TOP
Cheval Blanc 1982 2750 6 MAGNUM
Ducru Beaucaillou 1982 200 12 TOP
Lafite Rothschild 1982 2200 7 BELLE
Lynch Bages 1982 250 12 TOP CRD
Margaux 1982 980 12 TOP
Margaux 1982 2750 1 ETI TRACE COLLE
Margaux 1982 20000 1 IMPERIAL
Mouton Rothschild 1982 1050 12 TOP
Mouton Rothschild 1982 2200 1 MAG ETI TACHE CRD
Mouton Rothschild 1982 7000 1 DOUBLE MAGNUM
Talbot 1982 155 12 TOP CRD
Petrus 1982 4200 12 BELLE
Petrus 1982 9500 6 MAGNUM

Lafleur 1975 3000 1 BELLE
La Fleur Petrus 1975 105 107 BG ETI OK
Petrus 1975 1800 1 BG ETI OK

La Fleur Petrus 1970 105 23 BG ETI OK
Petrus 1970 2000 1 BG ETI OK

Yquem 1969 600 12 ETAT PARFAIT

Petrus 1967 1200 1 JONCTION ETI OK

Petrus 1966 3800 1 MAGNUM

Lafleur 1961 6200 1 BG ETI DECH
Latour 1961 3300 2 BG ETI OK
Latour 1961 3500 1 RECONDITIONNEE
Margaux 1961 1000 3 HE ETI OK
Mission Haut-Brion 1961 1800 1 BG ETI OK
Mouton Rothschild 1961 2200 1 BG ETI OK
Mouton Rothschild 1961 1700 2 HE-ME ETI OK
Petrus 1961 8500 1 BG ETI OK
Petrus 1961 19500 8 BG ETI OK
Yquem 1961 900 2 BG ETI BELLE

Cheval Blanc 1959 1100 6 BG ETI OK
Margaux 1959 800 3 2 BG 1 HE
Mission Haut-Brion 1959 1700 2 BELLE
Mouton Rothschild 1959 1700 2 BELLE
Petrus 1959 3500 1 BG ETI OK

Cheval Blanc 1958 650 2 BELLE
Cheval Blanc 1958 1300 1 MAGNUM
Mouton Rothschild 1958 1200 2 BELLE

Mouton Rothschild 1955 1100 3 HE ETI OK

Mouton Rothschild 1954 1500 4 2 BG 2 HE
Petrus 1954 2200 1 BG ETI BELLE

Mouton Rothschild 1953 1700 4 BAS GOULOT

Petrus 1952 1800 1 HE ETI OK

Cheval Blanc 1949 1000 1 HE ETI BELLE

Yquem 1948 1700 12 8 REC 4 ORIGINE

Cheval Blanc 1947 6700 1 BG ETI TACHE
Figeac 1947 1500 1 BG ETI OK
Figeac 1947 3500 1 MAG PARFAIT
Lafite Rothschild 1947 14000 1 JEROBOAM
Margaux 1947 1600 2 BG ETI OK
Mouton Rothschild 1947 3300 2 BG ETI BELLE
Petrus 1947 8500 1 BG ETI OK
Petrus 1947 8000 1 HE ETI OK
Petrus 1947 20000 4 MAG PARFAIT
Petrus 1947 19000 1 MI EPAULE
Yquem 1947 2200 2 BG ETI BELLE

Mouton Rothschild 1946 4500 1 BG ETI BELLE

Haut-Brion 1945 2800 1 BG ETI OK
Latour 1945 2200 2 BG ETI OK
Latour 1945 2000 3 HE ETI OK
Mouton Rothschild 1945 7000 3 BG ETI OK
Mouton Rothschild 1945 17500 2 MAG PARFAIT
Palmer 1945 2700 1 JONCTION ETI OK
Trotanoy 1945 2000 1 HE ETI NEUVE
Yquem 1945 2200 2 BELLE

Latour 1937 900 3 HE ETI OK
Mouton Rothschild 1937 1200 1 JONCTION ETI OK
Mouton Rothschild 1937 2800 1 MAG
Yquem 1937 3600 6 ETAT PARFAIT

Petrus 1928 8500 1 BELLE ETI NEUVE

Yquem 1921 7200 1 BG ETI OK
Yquem 1921 21000 1 HE ETI NEUVE

Cheval Blanc 1900 4500 1 MI EPAULE ETI OK
Latour 1900 4000 1 JONCTION ETI OK
Petrus 1900 6500 1 HE

Latour 1899 3000 1 JONCTION ETI OK

Lafite Rothschild 1898 3600 1 BG ETI BELLE

Mouton Rothschild 1895 3800 1 RECONDITIONNEE

Yquem 1893 6500 1 MI EPAULE

Mouton Rothschild 1892 3800 1 RECONDITIONNEE

Yquem 1883 8500 1 BG ETI SALE

Margaux 1877 3500 1 HE ETI OK

Mouton Rothschild 1873 6000 1 REC

Margaux 1870 25000 1 DOUBLE MAGNUM

Mouton Rothschild 1866 6000 1 REC

Mouton Rothschild 1862 7500 1 REC

Lafite Rothschild 1832 13000 2 REC 1983

Lafite Rothschild 1806 30000 1 REC 1981

Lafite Rothschild 1800 35000 1 REC 1981

Lafite Rothschild 1799 40000 1 REC 1981

Lafite Rothschild 1789 50000 1 REC 1983
Jimmy Forsman

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Here we go again:

2 bts Echezeaux Grand Cru 1990 75cl £ 500 ea

2 bts Echezeaux Grand Cru 1995 75cl £ 375 ea

2 bts Echezeaux Grand Cru 1996 75cl £ 375 ea

3 bts Echezeaux Grand Cru 1997 75cl £ 300 ea

2 bts Echezeaux Grand Cru 1999 75cl £ 300 ea

2 bts Echezeaux Grand Cru 2000 75cl £ 250 ea

2 bts Echezeaux Grand Cru 2001 75cl £ 275 ea

1 btl Grands-Echezeaux Grand Cru 1990 75cl £ 680 ea

This is also a wine that I've had the pleasure of enjoying many times since its release and one that offers fantastically rich yet not excessively ripe fruit and flavors with excellent density, concentration and superb length. The breadth of flavors and incredible texture here is outstanding and the wine offers stunning overall quality. A great wine that is only just now beginning to reveal its full potential and while the tannins are finally beginning to soften, the overall impression is one of notable youthfulness. Even though one could approach this now, it will last for decades. 94 pts

2 bts Grands-Echezeaux Grand Cru 1995 75cl £ 450 ea

1 btl Grands-Echezeaux Grand Cru 1996 75cl £ 450 ea

Deep ruby. Still aromatically tight and backward with elegant red and black fruit aromas that are followed by middle weight, earthy, reserved flavors and a very firm but not hard finish. With 90 minutes of air, this becomes superbly elegant and spicy with outstanding precision and detail. At this point, this is an intellectual wine as it's only hinting at the ultimate potential and in good storage, it should live for decades. Moreover, given how many '96s are showing today, this has to rank among the best of the vintage. Multiple and consistent notes. 94 pts

1 btl Grands-Echezeaux Grand Cru 1997 75cl £ 350 ea

2 bts Grands-Echezeaux Grand Cru 1999 75cl £ 550 ea

2 bts Grands-Echezeaux Grand Cru 2000 75cl £ 300 ea

2 bts Grands-Echezeaux Grand Cru 2001 75cl £ 375 ea

4 bts La Tache Grand Cru 1990 75cl £ 2600 ea

("a great vintage for La Tâche but several others are its equal, including 1991 and 1999" - AdV). Stunning, massive, full-on, classic La Tâche nose that displays almost unbelievable complexity so with many different elements that it is impossible to even begin to describe them all; the primary components include ethereal and still fresh pinot fruit, clove, knock out spiciness, anise, hoisin, soy and a trace of earth but these elements only hint at the sheer depth. The flavors are big, rich, refined, classy, penetrating and superbly powerful yet everything is in perfect balance and there is more than sufficient sève to balance off the still considerable tannins. The finish is intense, pure and so long that it is haunting; I can literally still taste this wine days later after I've had it because it has such a dramatic and emotional impact. This is one of the finest, perhaps even the finest young Burgundy I have ever been privileged to try and it only seems to get better with each passing year. In short, this is absolutely brilliant. Consistent notes. 99 pts

1 btl La Tache Grand Cru 1994 75cl £ 495 ea

4 bts La Tache Grand Cru 1995 75cl £ 1100 ea

3 bts La Tache Grand Cru 1996 75cl £ 1400 ea

("it's quite possible that the '96 will be the longest lived of any La Tâche produced in many years" - AdV). Fantastically pure with the classic spice box, hoisin and soy nose followed by big, rich, very structured flavors that display notes of earth, leather and tea. The tannins are big, ripe and are completely buffered by the sap with length that is simply phenomenal. This remains completely primary in character and seems not to have budged at all since it was bottled. A genuinely great vintage for La Tâche that is softer in the mouth than the '96 Grands Ech and this should improve for another decade and last for 50 years. Very classy juice. Note: while it's happened only twice, the '96 can be intensely vegetal on the nose and not exhibit the purity that the wine is justifiably famous for; however, I have tasted so many outstanding bottles of the '96 LT that I view these two examples as outliers.96 pts

3 bts La Tache Grand Cru 1997 75cl £ 650 ea

3 bts La Tache Grand Cru 1999 75cl £ 2500 ea

Everything that I saw from cask made it into bottle intact and words remain inadequate to describe just how good this wine is. Classic La Tâche in every respect with its incredibly pure, marvelously intense oriental spice box nose, flavors of hoisin and pure pinot extract of indescribable complexity and length. The big tannins are completely wrapped in velvet and the finish simply does not quit. Destined to become one of the all time great vintages of La Tâche. 98 pts

3 bts La Tache Grand Cru 2000 75cl £ 650 ea

3 bts La Tache Grand Cru 2001 75cl £ 800 ea

Strikingly extravagant nose of rose petals, oriental spices, pungent tea and leather notes plus ultra elegant pinot fruit. The powerful, chiseled, pure flavors are remarkably detailed, precise and fine with mind bending complexity yet for all the emotional drama of this wine, it remains understated and almost aloof at the moment. The finish is dense, structured and quite firm though there is nary a hard edge to be found and while this too cannot rival the other worldly 1999, 2001 will one day be thought of as a genuinely excellent vintage for La Tâche. In short, aristocratic in every sense. 96 pts

3 bts Richebourg Grand Cru 1990 75cl £ 1500 ea

2 bts Richebourg Grand Cru 1995 75cl £ 750 ea

1 mg Richebourg Grand Cru 1995 150cl £ 1600 ea

2 bts Richebourg Grand Cru 1996 75cl £ 1200 ea

2 bts Richebourg Grand Cru 1997 75cl £ 490 ea

2 bts Richebourg Grand Cru 1999 75cl £ 1450 ea

Practically black with a supersaturated multidimensional nose of black cherries, spice and trace of new oak. Bigger and larger scaled than the RSV and much more linear and direct, it is the richest, most robust wine in this lineup with decidedly muscular tannins. The flavor profile is somewhat austere yet the length is phenomenal and this could be the longest lived wine among these in '99. This has as much potential as any DRC Richebourg I've ever had. 95 pts

2 bts Richebourg Grand Cru 2000 75cl £ 425 ea

2 bts Richebourg Grand Cru 2001 75cl £ 460 ea

2 bts Richebourg Grand Cru 2002 75cl £ 1000 ea

This is pungently floral with fresh rose notes nuanced by intense red fruits and a deep, wonderfully attractive plumy hint followed by powerfully spiced flavors that offer impeccable balance and real muscle plus a sappy, palate staining finish. The tannins are extremely fine in this vintage and there is a lovely suppleness to the mid-palate without its usual robustness; in fact, there is a pretty textured quality to the structure. This is not to suggest that there isn't plenty of vigor and intensity here, only that this is decidedly more refined than usual, which makes it all the classier. 95 pts

4 bts Romanee Saint Vivant Grand Cru 1990 75cl £ 800 ea

2 bts Romanee Saint Vivant Grand Cru 1995 75cl £ 475 ea

3 bts Romanee Saint Vivant Grand Cru 1996 75cl £ 475 ea

2 bts Romanee Saint Vivant Grand Cru 1997 75cl £ 550 ea

2 bts Romanee Saint Vivant Grand Cru 1999 75cl £ 600 ea

2 bts Romanee Saint Vivant Grand Cru 2000 75cl £ 450 ea

2 bts Romanee Saint Vivant Grand Cru 2001 75cl £ 450 ea

This displays a positively classic nose of soaring Asian spices, ripe plum and a gamut of ripe, pure and lacy red and black fruits with the latter predominating all wrapped together with a seductive kiss of sweetly scented, highly perfumed violets; the nose is, in a word, intoxicating. All of this aromatic intensity leads to remarkably powerful, linear, borderline robust flavors that show simply unbelievable complexity and stunning length. This will very likely surpass every other RSV from the Domaine in recent memory. A dazzling effort. 96 pts

1 btl Romanee-Conti Grand Cru 1990 75cl £ 7400 ea :eek:

Medium ruby color. Initially, this is aromatically tight and closed but after 2 hours, it absolutely explodes from the glass with a breathtaking panoply of Asian spices, exotic fruit aromas and a touch of earth followed by rich, lush, almost opulent flavors that melt in the mouth and coat the palate with a layer of velvet on the fantastically long finish. This is a dramatic wine in every sense of the word yet it's not at all showy but rather discreet and understated. I particularly like the sense of inner power and purity of expression and this is as good a post '45 RC as I ever hope to drink. It should last for another 50 years and if you ever have the chance, don't miss it! Save for one so-so bottle, I have very consistent notes. 99 pts

1 btl Romanee-Conti Grand Cru 1995 75cl £ 3650 ea

An opulent, spicy, lush, highly floral and powerfully complex nose merges seamlessly with deep, classy, sappy, simply gorgeous, fresh flavors that offer incredible depth and purity of expression. Classy, pure and the length doesn't seem to quit. The 95 isn't an especially big wine and though it's by no means shy, the breadth of flavors and underlying nuance seems endless. If there is a nit, there is just a hint of finishing dryness that disappears with food but a careful taster will notice it. Otherwise, this is extremely impressive and though it can be approached now with extended airing, I would continue to cellar it and there is no question in my mind that it should continue to age effortlessly for years. 95 pts

1 btl Romanee-Conti Grand Cru 1996 75cl £ 4000 ea

This is backward to the point of being almost inexpressive though with extended airing, subtle aromas of black fruit, hoisin, spice, underbrush, anise and violets frame understated, refined, elegant and classy flavors of incredible breed and fantastic complexity. This will live for decades and it is so young that it hasn't even begun to reveal what it will ultimately be capable of delivering. And like the 2001 version, the transparency here is nothing short of remarkable. In short, opening a bottle anytime before 2012 will indeed be egregious infanticide and as the drinking window suggests, patience is required, or if need be, at least three hours of in a decanter. Consistent notes. 96 pts

1 btl Romanee-Conti Grand Cru 1997 75cl £ 3400 ea

1 btl Romanee-Conti Grand Cru 1999 75cl £ 4800 ea

Vibrant, pure, spicy, distinctly floral and unusually high-toned for the vintage with big, powerful and concentrated almost to the point of painful intensity with its super ripe, palate staining flavors yet this remains regal, almost aloof and quite reserved on the hugely long finish. The focus in unbelievable and while it's hard to speak of subtle power, one can sense the vibrancy and depths of reserve that are still only hinted at now even eight years after the vintage. As seductive as the nose is and as awe-inspiring as the flavors are, the finish lasts literally for minutes, indeed I could still taste it the next day and I've noticed that this happens every time I am fortunate to have the '99. And, difficult as it is to believe, I'm beginning to believe that my score is conservative. 98 pts

1 btl Romanee-Conti Grand Cru 2000 75cl £ 3250 ea

1 btl Romanee-Conti Grand Cru 2001 75cl £ 3550 ea

What was a brooding, reserved, somewhat austere yet classic nose has become highly perfumed with picture perfect aromas of red and black fruits cut with lavish spice and aromatic nuances plus subtle touches of earth, soy and hoisin that combine to create a bouquet of simply stunning complexity. The purity and detail are flat out incredible with nuanced, multi-layered flavors wrapped in pinot sap and culminating in an awe-inspiring finish. Silk, velvet and mouth coating sap completely buffer the ripe structure and this RC possesses what all of the great ones do - absolutely perfect harmony; this is seamless and there are no edges. It is as it were a perfect sphere with a haunting finish that I could taste hours later. This too is destined to be a great wine and the distinguishing aspect of this wine is its virtually unmatched transparency. There is certainly no vintage in the last 20 years with the possible exception of the 1996 that can match it in this regard. 97 pts

1 btl Le Montrachet Grand Cru 1999 75cl £ 1575 ea

1 btl Le Montrachet Grand Cru 2001 75cl £ 1500 ea

2 bts Le Montrachet Grand Cru 2002 75cl £ 1575 ea

Highly reticent but seriously complex aromas of limestone, apple, pear and white flowers perfectly complement the big, rich, powerful yet very tight full-bodied flavors that possess simply superb detail and cut. This is one muscular, massively constituted wine of profound depth and concentration that possesses near perfect balance and a finish that simply doesn't stop. This will require at least a decade to come into its own and should live for another 20 years after that. In short, this has that "wow" factor and may rival the other worldly 1996. 97 pts
Jimmy Forsman

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.


1985 Dom Perignon - £1,850 per case in bond (5 cases available)

“..The two Dom Pérignon Champagnes wowed everybody, with the 1985 exhibiting extraordinary freshness, liveliness, and remarkable intensity, fruit, and perfume. This is another example of how effortlessly some vintages of Dom Pérignon can age…” (95 POINTS) – Robert Parker

1981 Krug Collection - £675 per magnum in bond (10 mags available)

“….This wine is so pure in style that one is dumbfounded….” (96 POINTS) – Richard Juhlin

1985 Krug - £2,580 per case in bond (6 cases available)

“Vintage Krug is the yardstick against which all vintage Champagnes are measured. They began selling the '85 in 1994. These majestic wines always require long bottle storage, but the '85 was surprisingly accessible from the start, with its wonderful, elusive nose of smoke, cream, honey, nuts, peaches, and vanilla. The oak character doesn't stand out rather, it is the elegant, velvety soft fruit—particularly Pinot Meunier from Leuvrigny—that is noticeable. Very long aftertaste of vanilla. During the last year of the 1990s the wine hit a clear rut that it still hasn't recovered from. I'm not going to drink my bottles until 2010.” (95 POINTS) – Richard Juhlin

1988 Krug - £2,250 per case in bond (3 cases available)

“It's that time again! How do they do it? Together with Rémi Krug I first tasted this '88 beside the unbelievably good '89 and could hardly believe my taste buds when they sent the message that the '88 was even better. At Krug they themselves compare the wine with the '81, the '55, and the '61. Personally, I compare it to the '66 and the ultra elegant '79. The finesse is unbeatable and the acidity very noticeable. This is a wine that is going to be enjoyed by our grandchildren. Most people probably discourage immediate consumption of this young wine, but I am of a different opinion.” (98 POINTS) – Richard Juhlin

1988 Cristal - £1,560 per case of 6 bts in bond (1 case available)

“The '88 is young and classic with a rich fruit, nascent nuttiness, and great depth. Even this wine has developed in an amazing way and is now a world-class experience.” (96 POINTS) – Richard Juhlin

1990 Krug - £2,100 per case in bond (6 cases available)

“An aristocrat. Big-boned and intense, yet with finesse and complex flavors of coconut, whole-grain bread, ginger, citrus and honey. Waves of flavor saturate the palate and the long finish picks up a mineral and smoke note. Very harmonious from start to finish. Drink now through 2020. 1,700 cases imported.” (97 POINTS) – The Wine Spectator

1990 Dom Perignon - £1,920 per case in bond (2 cases available)

“The profoundly rich 1990 Dom Perignon is a creamy-textured, full styled offering that loses none of its elegance in spite of its flavor authority. It will improve for 5-10 years, and appears capable of surpassing the fabulous 1985 and 1982.” (96 POINTS) – Robert Parker

1995 Krug - £1,295 per case in bond (5 cases available)

“Very youthful. A contrast to the masculine, big-boned 1990, Krug’s 1995 reminds me more of the elegant, sophisticated 1988. Delicate. Intense aromas of ginger, citrus, candied berry and multigrain bread turn to honey, roasted almonds and graphite on the palate. It’s all underscored by a precise structure and creamy texture, keeping it persistent through the long finish. A picture of precision and intensity. Drink now through 2025.” (98 POINTS) – The Wine Spectator

1996 Krug - £2,400 per case in bond (20 cases available)

“A powerful, majestic Champagne. Deep and compelling, with aromas of whole-grain toast, coconut and dried citrus that draw you in. Lean and racy on the palate, with a creaminess that’s yet to be integrated. A classic 1996, with ripe, exotic aromas and a steely structure. This is still a baby, with the long, resonant finish confirming its potential. Best from 2009 through 2040” (99 POINTS) – The Wine Spectator

1996 Pol Roger Winston Churchill - £995 per case in bond (5 cases available)

“Bright gold with a lively mousse Deep, pungent nose features powerful scents of minerals, saffron, pear, lilac, buttered apple, pear, white peach and marzipan. Broad and improbably concentrated, the pear and apple flavors packing a huge punch and complicated by buttery, leesy tones. As rich and supple as this is, it also boasts brilliant cut. Finishes with expansive, exotic spice and pear notes, and superb focus and length. This spent nine years on its lees. Already delicious but I'd opt for holding this one for another decade before popping the cork.” (95 POINTS) – Steve Tanzer

1998 Pol Roger Winston Churchill - £895 per case in bond (24 cases available)

“Light gold. Intensely aromatic nose offers a complex bouquet of smoky orchard and pit fruit aromas, along with exotic orange zest and white pepper. Deep and chewy, displaying impressively concentrated but brisk pear and bitter citrus pith flavors and an undercurrent of buttery brioche and lees. Finishes with palate-staining persistence and a subtle anise quality. As usual, a stunner.” (93 POINTS) – Steve Tanzer

1998 Taittinger Comte de Champagne - £575 per case in bond (22 cases available)

“Light yellow. Stony peach and pear aromas are complicated by smoked meat and Asian spices. Round and filled in, with admirably deep pit fruit flavors, a pliant texture and a fresh mineral kick on the finish. Leaves a strong pear impression on the palate and an echo of minerals.” (93 POINTS) – Steve Tanzer

1999 Cristal - £2,500 per jeroboam (3L) in bond (7 available)

“One of the finest Champagnes I have ever brought to my lips, the 1999 Cristal bursts from the glass with fresh hazelnut and apple scents. Elegant, deep, and silky-textured, this medium to full-bodied beauty is immensely concentrated, pure, packed with apple flavors, and astoundingly long in the finish.” (98 POINTS) – Robert Parker

2000 Cristal - £1,595 per case in bond (32 cases available)

2000 Cristal Rose - £3,850 per case in bond (12 cases available)


SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Intressant att jämföra prissättningen på Krug 88 och 96. Nästan samma pris bara det att med 88 vet vi idag att den är lysande och med 96 tror vi att den ska bli lysande en dag i framtiden. Man kan ju jämföra detta med 90 som också slantar in i nästan samma härad. Där ser vi ganska frekvent att ett antal champagnesuputer här på forumet uttrycker sin besvikelse.

Det är onekligen lite konceptet av grisen i säcken.


SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Måste försöka få tag på ett par flaskor av den där 88:an efter allt snack. Vet att jag ska ner till Köpenhamn i början på juli och se Leonard cohen. Vet att det ska finnas bra butiker där, får hoppas att man kan hitta nåt skoj.


SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Keen skrev:
Måste försöka få tag på ett par flaskor av den där 88:an efter allt snack. Vet att jag ska ner till Köpenhamn i början på juli och se Leonard cohen. Vet att det ska finnas bra butiker där, får hoppas att man kan hitta nåt skoj.

Här har jag handlat då jag varit dit, bl.a. en massa äldre årgångar Bordeaux och gamla Barolo. Vet inte hur deras sortiment är idag, men allt brukar inte ligga ute på nätet, speciellt inte enstaka små partier rariteter.

Finns säkert de som kan komma med andra rekommendationer, fanns ett företag som hette Kjaer & Sommerfeldt som hade "Skatkammervine", gamla Bordeauxer och allt men de la tydligen ner sin verksamhet i fjol, synd, för där kunde man fynda.


Epernay, Frankrike
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

anders skrev:
Intressant att jämföra prissättningen på Krug 88 och 96. Nästan samma pris bara det att med 88 vet vi idag att den är lysande och med 96 tror vi att den ska bli lysande en dag i framtiden. Man kan ju jämföra detta med 90 som också slantar in i nästan samma härad. Där ser vi ganska frekvent att ett antal champagnesuputer här på forumet uttrycker sin besvikelse.

Det är onekligen lite konceptet av grisen i säcken.
Det var inte så länge sen 88an såldes för 1000 pund/12. 95an kostade 950 pund/12 i december. 96an kommer nog öka den med, dagens pris var ungefär vad den introducerades för. Det är på gott och ont att fler har insett storheten med Champagne ;D
Krug 89an du avnjöt förra veckan får ses som ett riktigt fynd!!
Jimmy Forsman

Jimmy Forsman

I det stora hela tämligen meh...
SV: Titta vad som just damp ner i inkorgen.

Någon som är sugen?

2002 Cristal Roederer, 0,75 cl, €168,90

2000 Cristal Roederer, 0,75 cl, €179,00

1999 Cristal Roederer, 3,0 lit, €3390,00

Priserna naturligtvis angivna exklusive moms und skatter.