SV: Största rip off...
2008 Trotanoy, inhandlat i Bordeaux på l´Intendant för 155 EUR
Systembolaget vill ha 3200 - marknadspriserna ser ni nedan
USA (NJ): Wayne. 20% case discount on non sale wines. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,194.86kr Bottle
USA (NY): Albany. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,358.27kr Bottle
Wine Library, Springfield, NJ
USA (NJ): Springfield. 20% discount on non-sale mixed cases. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,383.74kr Bottle
The Wine Buyer
USA (NJ): Wayne. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,390.12kr Bottle
Vins Grands Crus
France: Paris [and Ile-de-France]. 500 EUR minimum order. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,449.29kr Bottle
Belgium Wine Watchers
Belgium: Antwerp [Antwerpen]. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,481.19kr Bottle
JJ Buckley Fine Wines
USA (CA): Oakland. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,516.50kr Bottle
Vickers Wine On-line
USA (RI): Newport. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,579.44kr Bottle
Bottle Shop
USA (NJ): Spring Lake. Minimum order of 99 USD. 10% discount on mixed cases of wine; non-sale items only. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,579.69kr Bottle
OSIRIS sprl.
Belgium: Hainaut. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,640.71kr Bottle
Seckford Wines
UK: Suffolk. Minimum order of 1 case. Price excludes sales tax.
2008 1,648.00kr
SB tar väl betalt för den utmärkta servicen
EDIT: Ändrade lite så mer läsbart